Club Badge (merged)

Ardwick did not receive any votes because Ardwick wasn't at that meeting. Dig out the contemporary reports. Who should we believe - the people who formed 'a new club for Manchester' and the journalists, League AGM minutes etc from the period or a writer writing over 100 years later who gets confused?

Everything before 1894 is important - vital even - in understanding City's story but the specific formation of MCFC is 1894. MUFC's formation is 1902 - City shouldn't bend the truth because Utd do.

@Corky in ruins.
Those who say the club have properly consulted the fans on this are either extremely naive or are living in cloud cuckoo land.

the badge was designed by the club months ago and theyve been working backwards on more or less the finished design ever since. The lack of vote on a short list of badges confirms this. It was a complete and utter stitch up. That's the powers that bes prerogative, I get that, just be open about it.

Now theres Gary saying he wouldn't blame the club if they didn't consult fans on future projects, on the back of one that was completely untransparent. Unbelievable.

Wow - what a load of bollocks - is the weather good on your planet?
The whole point is so that they don't have to change it again for at least a couple of generations. It is the fault of the club as an entity, not the current owners, that we have faffed around with different badges over different generations, that fans have varying tastes and wishes.

Fans can moan as much as they want, I find it hilarious that you are moaning about people moaning. Like you look for a reason to moan just as much.

For all we know the club have had this new badge in mind when they created Melbourne City. They have added the idea of 'City' as the brand for a number of years now, so ditching the FC or Football Club isnt a massive shock. Maybe the club used the badge consultation to verify that what they wanted to do was in line with the supporters to back up their plans. I sincerely doubt that the fans consultation was the 100% key factor in the design of the badge, it was just a part of it. I'd rather they had just done what they wanted, said "get used to it", saying '"look at our track record, have we let you down yet?"

Fans still have the choice to have their favourite badge, use what they want as 'their' badge. doesn't make them less of a fan. I suspect a lot of the disgruntled fans will just get used to it, some ardent ones wont accept certain bits, but thats all part it all.

Hopefully, now, we can have some continuity for the generations to come and draw a line over the subject.

Well - I agree with you - I think.

The point that I am making is that the club have been exceptionally inclusive and deserve enormous respect - yet we have CITY fans on here demeaning the club.

I just think that those continuing to object need to get over it - and themselves - and get behind the club and be grateful that we have owners and management so committed to working with fans.

Was that so hard to understand?
You're surprised that there is some scepticism that the survey was entirely genuine, and merely served box ticking exercise, and you wouldn't blame City if they never consulted us on anything again?

Nice one mate.

Hard not to interpret some of your posts as shilling to be honest.

Seeking the feedback of the supporters is the least we should expect for a change of this magnitude, I don't think it's this grand gesture that should be lauded. Also, I think the scepticism of many blues is more reflective of the lack of trust we have for the club suits from a perspective of doing right by the supporters/club heritage (not financially etc).

When you look at QPR and Everton giving their fans a clear and transparent vote on the new design of their badge, letting them actually pick from a few different designs, then yeah, our very most basic 'consultation' to trademarked official badge in a matter of weeks does seem like a box ticketing exercise.

I'm sure our input didn't count for entirely nothing, but I doubt it mattered all that much.

Are you for fucking real?

It's basically our old badge back and ever single City fan I've spoken to in the flesh likes it and you moaning?

They've clearly listened exactly to the fans feedback, it contains everything we've asked for.
Well - I agree with you - I think.

The point that I am making is that the club have been exceptionally inclusive and deserve enormous respect - yet we have CITY fans on here demeaning the club.

I just think that those continuing to object need to get over it - and themselves - and get behind the club and be grateful that we have owners and management so committed to working with fans.

Was that so hard to understand?

I'll firstly point out, i have no strong feelings either way on our badge. I wouldn't of changed it personally but wasn't upset that they decided to change it, I think the design could be better in several ways but i'm not unhappy with it and i'm fine with it being our new badge from next season onwards.

With that in mind, I don't see the bolded part like that. I don't think there's many, if any other clubs in the country that wouldn't give their fans at least the same level of involvement we've had if they were about to change the clubs badge. I'm not knocking City in any way here i just don't see how them asking a few questions to fans (regardless of whether you believe the questionnaire had any real impact or whether it was nothing more than a box ticking exercise) as being deserving of "enormous respect"
just lock the thread, the bickering is just getting childish now.We have a new badge ... end of.
Ardwick did not receive any votes because Ardwick wasn't at that meeting. Dig out the contemporary reports. Who should we believe - the people who formed 'a new club for Manchester' and the journalists, League AGM minutes etc from the period or a writer writing over 100 years later who gets confused?

Everything before 1894 is important - vital even - in understanding City's story but the specific formation of MCFC is 1894. MUFC's formation is 1902 - City shouldn't bend the truth because Utd do.

Three days after supporters agreed to create it, Manchester City FC legally became a Limited Company 120 years ago today! Here's the original prospectus. Happy Birthday MCFC.

Hi Gary I see the dates on the prospectus are the 21st April to the 2nd May 1894.

However the date on your Facebook page is the 16th April 2014 and you say that it was 120 years to the day that it became a Limited Company, I am confused!
Hi Gary I see the dates on the prospectus are the 21st April to the 2nd May 1894.

However the date on your Facebook page is the 16th April 2014 and you say that it was 120 years to the day that it became a Limited Company, I am confused!
16th April the club became a limited company. The dates on the prospectus are the offer period when shares were available. I try to explain the dates here . The 'Look Inside' feature allows all of the period prior to 1895 to be read for free and covers every incarnation of St Marks, Gorton, Ardwick and City. Cheers
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