Club Badge (merged)

Apologies, that was poorly written, clearly, I don't have an idea what the wider global 'fans' think about our badge, my point was that the club has a duty to appeal to every type of fan not just those long standing, been there since summerbee fans.

No worries mate, I was only playing with you.

I think you're right that we should take the wider fan base's view in to account. It's a difficult one to know how it should be weighted though.

Take yourself as an example, 25 years of going home and away, should some kid in Guatemala who started liking City last xmas because we're his favourite team on his new FIFA game have just as big a say as you? Personally, I don't think he should.

It's an unfortunate by product of this consultation that some people are going to end up with a badge they don't want and didn't vote for. But I think the best we can hope for is that the final design pleases as many people as possible, and pisses off the least amount of people as possible.

Fingers crossed we don't end up with an Everton or Melbourne situation.
Although I am a supporter of the rose or rivers I also think that your method of voting would probably be
fairest to all. Well thought out.

Thanks mate. We're never going to please everyone, and unfortunately everyone can't have their first choice.

Letting people rate any final designs 1st, 2nd and 3rd would at least mean it's guaranteed a huge majority would end up with their first or second choice, and the least popular design would definitely not be used.
So you want a vote gerrymandered to ensure you get the decision you personally want.

Increasingly irritating how a few of you in this badge debate seem to think you have the finger on the pulse of our core support, when in fact all you are sharing is your own views on the topic dressed up as speaking for the core support.

When a vote presents a result you don't like it's due to rags or Johnny come lately's.

Well, having been a season ticket holder uninterrupted for over 25 years and with over 13000 loyalty points I consider myself to be well and truly part of this 'true' support who's opinion you seem to think carries more weight than other supporters. I can categorically state that I do not want to see the club go backwards in its badge design and whatever design the club comes up with should be new, fresh and show an evolution on the current badge imo. A badge that will represent the club for the future not hark back to the past. In my opinion a re-designed Eagle should be a fundamental part of any new design. I do not want to see us follow nycfc or Melbourne city with a round badge. I want us to be distinct and individual from the rest of CFG.

That said, my feeling is that the club has a vision of standardising all CFG clubs with a round badge which to me is just boring and lacks imagination. Hopefully I'm wrong.

However, this constant assumption that you and others of your ilk have some kind of knowledge of core supporters views or that the core supports views carry more weight than any other fan is complete nonsense.

In case it had escaped your attention the club is trying to grow the brand and appeal to people outside of our core support to grow our fanbase. It's great that fans are being engaged but all fans have a right to a view and no fans opinion is any better or more valid than any others.
well said ,its the bluemoon massive, thankfully this forum is only a small part of what is a very large worldwide fan base,whats the obsession with harping back ,its bring this back ,bring that back ,why can we not just
If either of these were selected as a new badge there would be no point in moving away from the current monstrosity
Clearly, if that is what the 'majority' want then ce la vie. As someone who likes the distinctiveness of the Eagle then whilst disappointing I couldn't argue against the club's choice.

I'm just just not so sure that two fans on a bluemoon podcast really proves the point that the majority view is a round badge.

Clearly 51% currently on the MEN poll want to keep the Eagle, but that doesn't necessarily mean they don't want a round a round badge, however, the choice given on the consultation doesn't give the option of both which would indicate on a 'valid' survey that over half want the Eagle.

Clearly that tells me you are only speaking to a generation of fans who have an affinity to the old badge but if you actually get out among the wider fanbase and globally there is widespread support for the Eagle.

Time will tell and I trust our club to make the right choice for the mcfc brand and not pander to a small hard core support who can't let go of the past.
Which badge do you actually like
Which badge do you actually like
its like driving miss daisy,on this forum sometimes,"main rd this main rd that, bring back bananas, the badge of my youth ,lancashire red roses," a whole generation have grown up with the current badge, the average 20 year old only knows the present badge ,if they are the 51% majority so be it ,
its like driving miss daisy,on this forum sometimes,"main rd this main rd that, bring back bananas, the badge of my youth ,lancashire red roses," a whole generation have grown up with the current badge, the average 20 year old only knows the present badge ,if they are the 51% majority so be it ,

57% on that MEN survey voted for a return to the round badge. Surely we shouldn't discount their votes because they grew up with bananas, roses and Maine Rd?

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