Club Statement: Tevez

Clevers said:
pml79 said:
wouldn't be suprised if he didnt turn up n go back home

If he does it's game,set and match to Mancini and the club.
yep i agree just thinkin he knows he ain't goin to play now. most likely be trainin away from first team he might just say sod it im tevez im not havin this n go home. cooper did say he had a plane ticket back to argie on sky before not sure if true or not.
''Carlos will be required to report to Roberto Mancini for training on Thursday''.

But please don't ''Carlos'' and then give us even more ammo for breach of contract you obnoxious greedy fat little fucker.
This is just the next step in the disciplinary process
They are playing a straight bat throughout all the shit and the initial investigation shows he has a case to answer

It will take time because now they have gather the evidence, present him with copies and then hold a disciplinary hearing

For all those wanting a quick end to the affair, it ain't gonna happen because city now have the little fucker by the balls, and by god they sure going to make him squirm

If he does a runner, it will be a further breach and another disciplinary

Hahahahahahahahahaha oh to be the boss now!
I don't see this as a potential moment when the squad come together, because that usually means people coming together against all outsiders (them all on the inside being the thing they have in common). Right now, I'm sure that inside the squad there are varying degrees of disbelief, anger at what Tevez did, personal and professional concern... maybe different views on what he did and didn't do. How is any of this bringing them closer together?

I say that firmly believing that the club coming down on him like a tonne of bricks is going to be good for us. Maybe the only thing they all have in common is that they are looking to see how the club handles this. There have been too many little indiscretions, not to mention people openly taking the piss, from fathers briefing the press, to general lackadaisical attitudes on the pitch.

This is a chance for the club to show that its teeth, and prove itself more than a rich man's plaything, a playground for superstars, or a cash cow.

We've seen our players stamping their names all across Europe this week. Nasri and Silva coming close to defiance of their managers (I'd say lucky for them they came good, but luck has nothing to do with it). Fine. You are superstars. But City are bigger and uglier than all of you. Regardless of who is in charge. And don't think it's coincidence that you've become bigger stars, better goalscorers since joining us. Once upon a time we were riding on the backs of one or two players. Those days are long gone. Now we are offering the best a unique challenge, and a perfect platform on which to shine.

If it means an end to Dzeko's strops or 'just think I'll ghost through this one cos the bigger game's next week', an end to the negative side of Balotelli's too-cool-to-care shtick, an end to every player who drops out of the team going to war with the club via the press, an end to the likes of Tevez and Robinho causing shit then making doe-eyes at the owner....then all my prayers will have been answered.
Interestingly CT has a flight booked back to Buenos Aries tomorrow. SO would look like he expects another period of suspension at least!

Best for both parties that he isnt here IMO and let the rest of the squad get on with it - back in time for Jan for the big bye bye!

WE should still recoup what we bought him for - his transfer fee doesnt affect FFPR so that'll be that.
nwhn3 said:
uwe282828 said:
id stick him on the bench against Villa ,im sure the fans have a message or two for him.

This ^^^^^^ let the bastard squirm a little. I'd even make him warm up every 5 mins in front of the south stand and stay on the pitch on his own at half time. If he refused - hit him with another breach of contract.

If (IF) he ever does warm up anywhere for us, we should do a silent/still Poznan...just turn our backs on him, and ignore him...
Chick Counterfly said:
How is any of this bringing them closer together?
Compared to "Team Bridge", the positive effects of this escapade on team bonding are surely obvious. The fact Terry was on the team that got utterly dicked on at Stamford Bridge during the subsequent 90 mins was probably just a coincidence, was it? The result at Blackburn was a coincidence, was it? The haughty wink from Balotelli and his coaching team rallying to his defence was just a coincidence?

Coming together through a challenge in the face of the worst adversity. That's what bonds people.

Siege mentality, you might call it. I think that's a bit crude.

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