Well-Known Member
I'm with you there.Hate that club
I'm with you there.Hate that club
When your mum is Emily Bishop you have to feel for him!
The Dippers PR depaertment must have every media publication in their back pocket
Come on be fair, that ~£12000 could keep them afloat.Their ****ishness knows no bounds.
The greedy bastards.
This scumbag of a club even getting credit for reversing their decision to furlough staff when anyone with a grain of decency would never have considered it in the first place. Fucking hell they can do no wrongThis is just what I've been pondering for some time. At first I didn't take my thoughts too seriously, I thought it way too absurd to even suggest it. But then the media went into overdrive and for the past couple of years they (the media) have forced a positive spin on everything that fucking club does.
It's like a scene in a movie where the homeless tramp - on his last legs through starvation - is unceremoniously moved away from the glitzy restaurant so Lord and Lady Poshtwats can enjoy a sumptuous banquet at the best table.
Liverpool FC. Sponsored by Tippex.
Absolutely brilliant analogy Solley.It's almost like when Kim jong un decides to destroy some of his weapons and end up with the Nobel peace prize