
Fitton said:
JoeMercer'sWay said:
Fitton said:
Finding it hard to drift off and had a propper crappy nights sleep past couple o' nights waking up all the time during the night

what's your sleep pattern and what's your evening intake of stuff?
Usually fine and intake of stuff?

food drink and how long before bed etc.?
Cheesy said:
Word of warning about Codeine...

My sister became addicted to it through taking cocodamol. Ended up a proper smackhead.

It's strong stuff. First time I took it for a head ache, didn't think, was smoking an hour later, practically passed out but not in a good way.
Cheesy said:
Word of warning about Codeine...

My sister became addicted to it through taking cocodamol. Ended up a proper smackhead.

It's fucking evil stuff and should be avoided if possible.
I'll admit I had a small problem with it myself, started taking it for headaches and it became the only thing that would get rid of them. Got to the point I wouldn't leave the house without a couple of tablets and a bottle of water to dissolve them in.
Getting off them completely was a complete bastard as well.
Avoid, unless you need a painkiller much stronger than paracetamol or ibuprofen. i messed up my arm last year and started taking this. worked like a charm but made me all fuzzy and made my dreams mental. i also had a couple of beers one night when i was on it (slipped my mind) which was a pretty weird experience. apparently when your body starts to break down the codeine it produces morphine so it's a good painkiller but i wouldn't take it again unless i needed to. certainly wouldn't take it as a sleeping pill.
Fitton said:
Will two of these help me sleep?

No, and you should only take cocodamol (aka codeine and paracetamol) if you're in a lot of physical pain. I'm on a course of the stuff at the moment, following an operation I had last week. I do sometimes take it to help me to sleep - but only because the pain I'm in can literally keep my awake. I take it with ibuprofen. I also take cocodamol for migraines (which I get very occasionally), as it is the only thing I have found to help. But cocodamol will not help you sleep if you are lying awake for psychosomatic reasons (i.e. something is on your mind or you're stressed).

Tips for sleeping:
* Don't go to bed until you are really really tired and sleepy. Otherwise you come to associate being in bed with lying awake, rather than sleeping.
* Don't read or watch TV etc in bed - just use bed for sleeping.
* Get some exercise earlier in the day (not in the evening if poss).
* Eat bananas.
* Try to establish a pattern by getting up at the same time every day.

I hope you get some sleep soon. Insomnia is a really fucking horrible thing.
TheMightyQuinn said:
Cheesy said:
Word of warning about Codeine...

My sister became addicted to it through taking cocodamol. Ended up a proper smackhead.

It's strong stuff. First time I took it for a head ache, didn't think, was smoking an hour later, practically passed out but not in a good way.

Lightweight ;-)

Cocodomol's nothing. It's only got 8Mg of codeine in there. Zapain's got 30Mg. Much better.

Actually thye are one and the same drug, just looked it up. But you can get it with 8Mg in which is nothing, or 30Mg which is better.
Didsbury Dave said:
TheMightyQuinn said:
Cheesy said:
Word of warning about Codeine...

My sister became addicted to it through taking cocodamol. Ended up a proper smackhead.

It's strong stuff. First time I took it for a head ache, didn't think, was smoking an hour later, practically passed out but not in a good way.

Lightweight ;-)

Cocodomol's nothing. It's only got 8Mg of codeine in there. Zapain's got 30Mg. Much better.

Actually thye are one and the same drug, just looked it up. But you can get it with 8Mg in which is nothing, or 30Mg which is better.

Got Zapain aswell.

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