Cole Palmer

I love the fact we have young local lads in the squad/team but I have to give my honest opinion I don't see a great player in this lad, trust me I would be the first to admit I was wrong but I just don't get the vibe from this lad.

Seems like there are a lot of posters on here who don’t really rate him and I’m not sure why? He clearly has all the talent and pep rates him - I’m not sure currently what else he could do. Yes he can make mistakes, but he’s a young player.

I’m finding criticism on here to be unbelievably harsh. It’s feels like a lot of posters are comparing him to seasoned pros and expecting world class performances each week - no patience. (Not aimed at you by the way)
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We have McAtee and Bobb as 'projects', and both have a higher ceiling than Palmer IMHO.
'higher ceiling' based on what exactly...?

Bobb hasn't started a single match at a higher level than the EDS for goodness sake.

Mcatee didn't make an impression in the preseason and your basis for his ceiling being higher than Palmers is solely on potential. I watched him a fair bit at Sheffield United last season and while he had a good knack for getting a G/A, he hardly ever wowed me with his performances over ninety minutes. Palmer has proven already that he can be at the least a valuable squad player for us.
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He can beat defenders , can shoot and isn’t scared of going for goal . Those attributes aren’t that visible in some our ‘stars’.
That’s because you can’t see past your own badly held observations, observations that have been dispelled but here you are still chatting shite.
He can beat defenders , can shoot and isn’t scared of going for goal . Those attributes aren’t that visible in some our ‘stars’.

Yes but our wingers don't really do that often as it risks losing possession, the way Grealish has adapted his game being a perfect example.
'higher ceiling' based on what exactly...?

Bobb hasn't started a single match at a higher level than the EDS for goodness sake.

Mcatee didn't make an impression in the preseason and your basis for his ceiling being higher than Palmers is solely on potential. I watched him a fair bit at Sheffield last season and while he had a good knack for getting a G/A, he hardly ever wowed me with his performances over ninety minutes. Palmer has proven already that he can be at the least a valuable squad player for us.
I think higher ceiling often means:

I’ve not really seen them play, but I don’t rate the player that I have seen play, so the players I’ve not seen, must be better
He’s scored 2 in 2 starts this year and in big games as well, why wouldn’t that continue if he was genuinely given a consistent run of games?

Wild that we aren’t giving him assurances imo
I think he deserves til January, give him some good game time see if that consistency in the big games continues.
The problem as I see it is the level we operate at now, players have to “ready” to get in our first 11 or be regulars in the 15/16 main heads.

Our standards and expectations are so high we don’t have time / room for players who aren’t “ready”.

Cole is clearly very talented and can clearly pull magic out of his sleeve at any given moment.

The issue is, nowadays, in this team, that simply isn’t enough. The “rest” of it needs to be there. That consistency, control and authority.

I think it’s best for both sides if we either loan him out to a premier league club where he’ll get loads of games or sell him with with a reasonable buy back inserted.

I think he’d be mustard at somewhere like Celtic or Rangers or a comfortable mid table prem club like Brentford / West Ham / Palace.
Yes but our wingers don't really do that often as it risks losing possession, the way Grealish has adapted his game being a perfect example.
One day people will realise that Grealish performs the way he does because he’s instructed to and he’s probably the best player in the side that does the retention of possession high up the pitch. A place where Pep is more than aware that giving up the ball in those areas is likely to cause us the most damage through counter attacks.
I can understand folk not liking it for whatever reason and wanting their wingers to fly down the flank beating 3 men and whipping one in but then that just shows that they haven’t bothered paying attention to what the manager wants, and ultimately has been successful at.
If only he was called Coleo Palmero this board would be gagging for him to sign.

As it is it seems we're 50/50.

Not every player in the squad needs to be a world class one I think where we fall down is Pep not making enough subs especially as most games are won by 60 mins....and yes I know last season in one home match making subs almost cost us.

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