Collective Grievance At Work

Just tell him to his face that he’s a **** and if he doesn’t stop being a **** you’ll take it to another level, send him to Coventry, don’t talk to him, don’t cooperate with him and leave him out of brew breaks, dinners or even social events, it’s not difficult.
Lol - and just like that everything will be sorted…..
Lol - and just like that everything will be sorted…..
I know, I’ve not worked in an environment like that since 2007 so I’m way out of touch but my boss at the time brought a disruptive colleague into his office and just told him to stop being an awkward **** and get on with his job, it kind of worked because he left after that. The worst thing was my gaffer (who was the best boss I’d ever had) was made redundant a couple of years later.
Thanks so far for your replies.

I think the 'fear' is that the individual could see it as him being bullied and the escalate the situation - which if a person is being bullied, is of course the correct thing to do.

The "old school" in me does sway to me telling him to stop being a ****, but in todays day and age, bearing in mind the individual can be a little precious at times, then I know that would be the fastest route to HR's office!!

It's a delicate matter where all the group want is for him to play ball and be more considerate and more of a team player - if he could achieve that, then all would be resolved - and there wouldn't have been the need for any letter to be written in the first place
Does anybody have any experience of this please??

Basically, we have a small team (around ten people) and one guy is causing issues with his laziness, attitude, application and it's upsetting the other nine.

So, the other nine have written an informal letter with a few example of where the individual has caused them grief, they have all signed the letter and two of them want to sit with the individual and read the letter with him as they don't want to escalate the issue (yet) to HR or senior management.

Could this letter be classed as bullying if the individual wants to take it further / make it formal??

Of course the individual needs to get his point across, but he really is causing distress and angst amongst the others.

Has anyone experienced issues similar to this??
Need to raise it with the individuals line manager, it’s for them to take onboard the issues and put in place performance management in conjunction with HR.
Thanks so far for your replies.

I think the 'fear' is that the individual could see it as him being bullied and the escalate the situation - which if a person is being bullied, is of course the correct thing to do.

The "old school" in me does sway to me telling him to stop being a ****, but in todays day and age, bearing in mind the individual can be a little precious at times, then I know that would be the fastest route to HR's office!!

It's a delicate matter where all the group want is for him to play ball and be more considerate and more of a team player - if he could achieve that, then all would be resolved - and there wouldn't have been the need for any letter to be written in the first place
You need to tread carefully with this, if I was you I would nominate one of you to approach his Line Manager with your collective grievances. From a managerial point of view you can’t just take a persons word without conducting some kind of investigation to substantiate the claims, if the grievances are found to have substance then personally I’d keep it low key with mediation before looking at any possible escalation. Hope this helps, this is from experience by the way.
Where is the line manager throughout all of this?

Sadly reminds me of our Finance Director’s nephew who was placed in our department against our manager’s will. He was an arrogant, lazy shit who upset everyone yet we were stuck with him.

My one colleague and I were the senior team members and it took both of us threatening to resign upon finding new jobs to see him gone. 18 months we suffered.

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