
I’ve had 4 Colonoscopies, a Sigmoidoscopy and one down my pecker.
The process is nothing to worry about, over before you know it. The prep is worse!
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I have had several, both on NHS and private. The NHS ones were a bit uncomfortable but the private one where I was done by the Consultant under sedation seemed to be over in no time and wasn’t in any way uncomfortable.. As others have said the prep drink is the worst bit. Make sure you take the full preparation as if there are bits of shit left in your bowel problems can be overlooked. I was diagnosed with severe Ulcerative Colitis. I receive treatment as a day care patient every 8 weeks with a drug called infliximab at Leighton Hospital. So far so good, I can now eat and drink what I like within reason. The downside is my immune system has been killed off.
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It’s all a blur because I was so ill but I’m starting to recall a horrid drink and some sort of scan.

I’ve asked for an ileostomy reversal and assume I’ll have another.
Hello fellow Blues!

I am 34 male. So I have had digestive issues for a decade now. For the past 5 years, I have had blood in my stool which comes and then goes away for a few months.
Last year I ended up in the ER for abdominal pain and they did a CT scan and it showed colon wall thickening of traverse, descending and sigmoid colon. The doctors diagnosed me with Colitis and sent me on my way.

I still have stomach issues occasionally and finally I have mustered up the courage to get a colonoscopy done, although I feel like it’s too late now considering I have had these issues for years.

Hopefully everything goes well but I am not really hopeful. I am sure they will find something sinister. I am only worried about my missus and my parents as I am kind of their only support.

Just needed to vent a bit!
Hope everything goes well and there's a pleathora of things it could be.

In 2019 I was diagnosed with stage 4 bowell cancer which I have to say was horrendous news to take as it had spread to my lymph nodes.

But 4 years on and I'm totally clear of cancer in my bowel, its been a battle with chemo etc.

Recently my lad 38 years old, had blood/pain and he was fearing the worst (My dad, brother, and Uncle all died from it) but fortunatley he was diagnosed with colitus which can be controlled with medication.

I hope everything works out fine for you and pm me if you need advice/chat.
Just finished mine, all clear thankfully!!!
I was asleep and didn't realise it was done until they woke me up ( the reason for it I guess :-)). The only discomfort was the bloating due to the gas they used, apart from that (and the prep liquid) all was not as bad as I expected.
Just finished mine, all clear thankfully!!!
I was asleep and didn't realise it was done until they woke me up ( the reason for it I guess :-)). The only discomfort was the bloating due to the gas they used, apart from that (and the prep liquid) all was not as bad as I expected.
Great news blue. Was this your 1st colonoscopy? Also may I ask how old you are?

Another question. Do they tell you the results right after you wake up or do they tell the results to whoever is with you on the day of the procedure?
Great news blue. Was this your 1st colonoscopy? Also may I ask how old you are?

Another question. Do they tell you the results right after you wake up or do they tell the results to whoever is with you on the day of the procedure?
Yes, the first one, I am 64 so escaped for a long time.
I was in the department at 7 o,clock, came round in the recovery room at 8.30, was eating sandwiches at 9.30. Doctor came with the report at 10.30 and was discharged at 11 o'clock. The report indicated the extent of the inspection and the findings at 11 positions, I assume that these are the main locations where issues can be found.
This was done in Malaysia cost 650 pounds, hopefully the insurance will cover it. All said and done, not as bad as I thought.
Great news blue. Was this your 1st colonoscopy? Also may I ask how old you are?

Another question. Do they tell you the results right after you wake up or do they tell the results to whoever is with you on the day of the procedure?

Talking ages, my 1st I was in my mid/late 20's

When it came to polyp removal I was told in the recovery room.

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