Community Shield Official Post Match Reaction Thread

rastus said:
Ashamed to be a city fan today,got a good mind to go up the train and tell that Mancini.

Ashamed Boy? you should be Ashamed of bieng Ashamed...get some balls.
However you can get rail discounts at <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Hahaha fuckin fumin then is that better : )

Thats more like it fella ;). Dont forget we wont win every game this season.
citygal1 said:
Talking to yooonited fans on facebook. is it me or when you start getting one over on them they start talking crazy talk that doesnt make sense, or just end with bitter blues haha.
they are all halfwits, went to shop at half time an what looked like a 25 yr old ish rag on a pedal bike telling all that its only a friendly its unimportant, ( us being 2-0 up) 2 hrs later had to go out again an the same twat was riding up an down road wiv a rag shirt on an waving a flag like they had won the world cup, unbelivable.
feels worse losing to the rags its true..would these Bob slaters be out in force had it been someone else ??
very much doubt it.
connor_devine94 said:
Just got back from Wembley. We were never in the game, even when we were 2-0 up ! Sickening to give up a 2 goal advantage but hopefully this will make us stronger.
I hope it will, I still can't believe we through a two goal lead away
We were outplayed today.

United are better than us and unless we sign two midfield players who can actually pass the ball and understand movement then we wont do any better than last year.

Balotelli is in last chance saloon and he needs to ramp his game up 50% because he is operating at less than that at the moment.

Milner isnt good enough and thats looking like £24m down the swanny.

Toure looks like he did at the start of last season (unfit)

Lets hope Tevez stays because we just dont look as good without him.
the truth is we stood up to them, scored two and thought we had done enough, fluke 1st goal in as much as it could have gone antwhere! good lesson today, better mental strength and communication.

De Jong was out of the game for to long.

Its all in front of us blues, the way they celebrated the victory says it all, they know we are coming.

Come on Bobby sweep the lot, they can have the comm sheild.

Forza Mancini,


danburge82 said:
If Agüero only had ten minutes in him, that's 10 minutes. How is he going to get fit when he doesn't get a work out in a simulated game situation?

Thats exactly what I was saying to my mates. How's he gonna get fit if he doesn't play. Also barring our inability to deal with a long hopeful punt down the field (thats twice now City in 3 games, get it sorted!)from which they scored, the game was heading for penalties. as I said earlier Mancini's tactics and team selection totally baffle me. Now don't mention zonal marking!!!!!
Was that "England's Barcelona" Banner ours or the rags?

Couldn't see on the telly in my still half drunken state?

If it's ours, it should be burned
I don't care if it was a kick around in the park. If you want to win anything you cant give away 2 goal leads.

Mancini better get this issue fixed pronto, im not gonna rage but im really pissed of.

The first person to say "but its a friendly" to me can get to fuck and choke on a cock because it wasn't a fucking friendly was it if your honest with yourselves.

I just hope to fuck that was a blip and nothing more, it's the manner of the defeat that bothers me more than anything.

Mancini don't you dare play as defensive as you did last season, please.

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