Community Shield Official Post Match Reaction Thread

Re: We are not the finished article.

Today has shown us yet again to play for 90 (+) mins.
How many times in the last 2/3 years have they fukers scored a last minute winner,4...5..
Started very poor for the 1st 20 mins,then total brilliance.
2nd half was a disaster tbh.
If we play like this for the rest of the season,we'll win fuk all.
We may think we're there.....we're far from it.


always said this - what we saw today was a team of individuals play poorly against a team of individuals whom play as a team and are all decent footballers despit what some people on here seem to think
Re: Calm The F**k Down

I will not calm down after throwing away a two goal lead against the rags no this is way to big to be ignored, it wasn't a friendly and we need to sort ourselves out, we have a problem with late goals and defending free kicks, corners and throw ins. A few of our players showed no interest today and we lacked focus and concentration, I expected a lot more from Balo, Milner, Vinny, Yaya Toure and Nigel today
But we can still improve but we need to show more focus and not get over-confident in future games
Robbie will not get sacked and my opinion of him has not lowered I still think he is the right manager but he needs to change his tactics again
The future is still blue
Re: Calm The F**k Down

connor_devine94 said:
Will everybody just calm down!
I am nothing but confident for this season and feel we CAN push for the title.
We have the players and the manager to do so!
Everyone has a bad game, its just a shame ours was against them lot today!
Mancini is not going to get sacked over that and i have full confidence in him.
Let's put it behind us and look forward to smashing 5 past Swansea


we got shafted by Rags second string in the second half

We dont have the players certainly not the attacking players
Re: Calm The F**k Down

MCFC 4 EVER said:
I will not calm down after throwing away a two goal lead against the rags no this is way to big to be ignored, it wasn't a friendly and we need to sort ourselves out, we have a problem with late goals and defending free kicks, corners and throw ins. A few of our players showed no interest today and we lacked focus and concentration, I expected a lot more from Balo, Milner, Vinny, Yaya Toure and Nigel today
But we can still improve but we need to show more focus and not get over-confident in future games
Robbie will not get sacked and my opinion of him has not lowered I still think he is the right manager but he needs to change his tactics again
The future is still blue

It's up to you mate, if you want to keep yourself in a heightened state of anger and depression, no one is stopping you, but what good it will do you in the long run?
Just got back, good day if not a weird one. First half we were lucky but everyone was buzzing and we became laid back.

As the 2nd half started us, the fans have never been so flat, you could hear a pin drop. The difference between the 1st half and 2nd was staggering.

The lads really needed us to give them a lift but we didnt was abit of a shame but I still think we are in for a great season.

On a sidenote what a load of rag twats in the corperate section behind us, anyone see all that?
smeeagain said:
i hope aguero can score from inside his own half ,the astonishing lack of service to the strikers is making a steady stream of the poor sods look inadequate !
mancini is reverting to the ultra defensive style he likes so much , how many throw ins and free kicks of ours end up with us under pressure , i still say hes not the man

Like the "scorpion and the frog"no matter who we acquire mancini will not change his tactics. He can't help it its in his nature!
If the truth be told I doubt he's not the only manager who could have achieved the success of last season with the squad we had. I'd venture to say had he been more positive we could have won the title.
Beaten ok, but where did 4 minutes injury time come from?

No excuses, we were given a lesson unfortunately today. But seriously where did 4 minutes come from? With them you just know it's coming regardless of the actual stopages.
Oh look on the bright side folks.....I just heard Roberto Mancini is looking for a new house in Manchester........ nothing too extravagant though.Just a 2 up, 3 down :-)

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