Community Shield Official Post Match Reaction Thread

Re: Beaten ok, but where did 4 minutes injury time come from?

King-Dzeko said:
No excuses, we were given a lesson unfortunately today. But seriously where did 4 minutes come from? With them you just know it's coming regardless of the actual stopages.
You're fucking desperate! I NEVER go on any dirty Rag vermin sites as it is but it would be the last place I'd be after we beat you in a derby! What a sad obsessed twat! You Rags are so fucking sad, I almost feel sorry for you! You not got any mates?
Re: Beaten ok, but where did 4 minutes injury time come from?

Not trying to make up excuses or anything but, am I the only one that thinks that greasy twat handled the ball for the last goal?
The rags seemed much fitter than us. Ashley young beat micah off the mark every bloody time! We didnt have any of our new signings starting yet we looked like we hadnt played with each other before. a very poor performance!
Didn't get going at all. Too many players were lax with possession. Too many misplaced passes. Too many having a nice day out. Too many caught in the headlights when the rags came straight out of the blocks at us.

Credit to them for pressuring, harrying and doing all the things we normally do. Gifted them two goals with abysmal defending from Dzeko for one of their goals and the mistake from Kompany at the end gifting them the winner.

Not gonna get too wound up about this with it being the very start of the season and it may be the kick up the arse they needed as it seems to me their attitude today was "we dismantled Inter, we can beat anyone." Not a bad attitude to have but to sit back and not give it all is only going to end one way.

If it had been a league match, a 'real' cup match or dare I say a Champs League game, I'd be wanting blood. However, it wasn't so roll on Swansea so they can put it right and prove they are worthy of the shirt.
black mamba said:
Let's be honest .......

if we'd scored the all important third goal after half time they almost certainly wouldn't have come back from it ...... but we got far too complacent at the back and gifted them the Smalling goal , due to rank bad marking ... and that set the rags up.

The rags were glad to hear the half time whistle , but we failed to build on it ....... and that's why we lost this game ........ that , and the fact , that Kompany completely forgot how to deal with a ball in the final minute !
thats whats concerns me as said in earlier post. what was kidd platt an mancini doing at half time...cos whisky nose got it rite..
Re: Beaten ok, but where did 4 minutes injury time come from?

jimharri said:
Granted, the winner came in injury time (a-fucking-gain), but we could still be playing now and wouldn't have pulled it back to 3-3. We never looked a goal threat today, even when we were 2 up.

Absolutely ......

but i'd be willin' to wager that if we'd grabbed a third just after half time , we'd have seen a diffent outcome to the game.
black mamba said:
Let's be honest .......

if we'd scored the all important third goal after half time they almost certainly wouldn't have come back from it ...... but we got far too complacent at the back and gifted them the Smalling goal , due to rank bad marking ... and that set the rags up.

The rags were glad to hear the half time whistle , but we failed to build on it ....... and that's why we lost this game ........ that , and the fact , that Kompany completely forgot how to deal with a ball in the final minute !

But the MAIN problem , right from the word go , was that we were carrying one or two 'passengers' out there today , who certainly didn't give their best in this game ... no doubt about that !
One or two? Buy an abacus!
Re: Beaten ok, but where did 4 minutes injury time come from?

Barcon said:
Not trying to make up excuses or anything but, am I the only one that thinks that greasy twat handled the ball for the last goal?
I'm not even arsed if he did, the game means nish and we looked so unfit we didn't even deserve the draw!
Re: Beaten ok, but where did 4 minutes injury time come from?

jimharri said:
Granted, the winner came in injury time (a-fucking-gain), but we could still be playing now and wouldn't have pulled it back to 3-3. We never looked a goal threat today, even when we were 2 up.
We did look a threat imo - when we actually got the ball near their fookin box which unfortunately was about as often as Stalin does interviews after derby defeats
Not great and yet again fell foul to the sucker punch.When will we learn?? Fair play they deserved it the rag twats and that was some display from Nani.

But choice between today or the contest.

They can have that and their friendly win vs barca. We'll take the ones that count.

Bottom line.....they were and remain the second or
whatever best club in europe and the best in england until proven otherwise.

Top 3 and closing the gap this season will do for me. Keep it real. Upwards and onwards.

PS Tenerife full of cockney rags but they were outsung by us Blues. Sounded like you lads and lasses did us proud in that london.


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