Community Shield Official Post Match Reaction Thread

Calm The F**k Down

Will everybody just calm down!
I am nothing but confident for this season and feel we CAN push for the title.
We have the players and the manager to do so!
Everyone has a bad game, its just a shame ours was against them lot today!
Mancini is not going to get sacked over that and i have full confidence in him.
Let's put it behind us and look forward to smashing 5 past Swansea
TCIB said:
I don't care if it was a kick around in the park. If you want to win anything you cant give away 2 goal leads.

Mancini better get this issue fixed pronto, im not gonna rage but im really pissed of.

The first person to say "but its a friendly" to me can get to fuck and choke on a cock because it wasn't a fucking friendly was it if your honest with yourselves.

I just hope to fuck that was a blip and nothing more, it's the manner of the defeat that bothers me more than anything.

Mancini don't you dare play as defensive as you did last season, please.
No it wasn't a friendly I took it as a derby game and derby games are very important and I still can't get my head around our shambolic defending and lack of interest in the second half, ffs we were 2-0 up at half time, how difficult would it have been for us to hold on
We are not the finished article.

Today has shown us yet again to play for 90 (+) mins.
How many times in the last 2/3 years have they fukers scored a last minute winner,4...5..
Started very poor for the 1st 20 mins,then total brilliance.
2nd half was a disaster tbh.
If we play like this for the rest of the season,we'll win fuk all.
We may think we're there.....we're far from it.

samharris said:
feels worse losing to the rags its true..would these Bob slaters be out in force had it been someone else ??
very much doubt it.

had it been another team i doubt we would have given up those goals - Rags have it over Mancini he simply has not worked out how to beat them consistently

far far far too many late goals
maine-road-ali said:
citygal1 said:
Talking to yooonited fans on facebook. is it me or when you start getting one over on them they start talking crazy talk that doesnt make sense, or just end with bitter blues haha.
they are all halfwits, went to shop at half time an what looked like a 25 yr old ish rag on a pedal bike telling all that its only a friendly its unimportant, ( us being 2-0 up) 2 hrs later had to go out again an the same twat was riding up an down road wiv a rag shirt on an waving a flag like they had won the world cup, unbelivable.

They know that because they have clung to the glory of "their" club, that they dont need to know about football because they can always come back with some fucking success story, and i swear the amount of rags that tell me they have season tickets they must have at least 400,000 seats in their ground ha its like the south stand at city lol ;O)
i hope aguero can score from inside his own half ,the astonishing lack of service to the strikers is making a steady stream of the poor sods look inadequate !
mancini is reverting to the ultra defensive style he likes so much , how many throw ins and free kicks of ours end up with us under pressure , i still say hes not the man

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