Complaint to BBC regarding Pete the Badge

Calling @Dave Ewing's Back 'eader to the BBC thread!

The third tier is from where the ghosts of Trautmann and Ewing watch proceedings. And it is the home of the world-renowned FOCs of CBL3 - the geriatric Cerulean Ultras! The last place where a blue would find any embarrassment - although a few 'tourists' have left early, browned off with the constant diatribes and blatant spectator bias aimed at the collection of Woeful Whistling Wankers the PL see fit to send us!
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Being a City fan defines me as much as anything. Why the fuck would I be embarrassed about something like that?

Spot on @gordondaviesmoustache - being a city fan, first live game in 76 & going through all those shit years became a badge of honour for me. Any rag mates I had couldn't get their heads round it, why would you support a team that's so shit I used to goad them that they couldn't do what we do - that is the difference between us and them. Proud of our rich history, proud of our club now as well.
One of the reasons I don't understand rags is they disappear when they lose. As soon as they win you see them wearing their shirts everywhere. I was more likely to wear my City shirt when we lost.
Happy to be a blue and always have been.
Spot on. Me n'all mate.
I apologise if in writing to the bbc I have offended or embarrassed anyone.
I am often told that I am an embarrassment to friends, family and anyone who knows me. :)
Spot on. Me n'all mate.
I apologise if in writing to the bbc I have offended or embarrassed anyone.
I am often told that I am an embarrassment to friends, family and anyone who knows me. :)

All non-conformists are an embarrassment to someone and attract hostility from the common herd. Being a City fan is all about refusing to conform and thus demonstrating independence of mind. Those who do something just because everyone else does it are bound to feel threatened.
Personally I'm not one to get too worked up about insults, real or perceived, from any quarters of the media. This is however a little different. Firstly it held an innocent football fan up to ridicule without either his permission, knowing his circumstances or whether it would cause him personal distress in the future, which is now entirely possible. Secondly, this isn't an article that appeared in a rival clubs fanzine or forum. If it had, they would have have got dogs abuse back in bucketfuls and rightly so, but no one would have seen it as anything other than banter, albeit still uncalled for and still inappropriate. It's an article that was generated and approved by our national broadcaster, the BBC, an impartial body whose remit is to report factually without bias and who, supposedly, set the standards that others in the media should try and aspire to. They have clearly failed on all counts and, to their further discredit, have sought to use generic, computer generated banal responses in an effort to avoid having to give a truthful response to people's complaints. I've nothing but admiration for those that have taken on the BBC on this issue and hope that all City fans keep an eye out for Pete, particularly at away games, because I'd hate to see him getting abused as a result of the BBC's 'harmless banter'.
Well said Bozzie.

When this first happened, I thought very little of it. I can take an insult, like most of us, and I'm sure Pete has heard quite a bit down the years. It looked like it was just a minor issue and this thread was initially just an opportunity to bash the BBC. After all, it's not much of an insult anyway. Why bother?

More fool me.

Others saw something else. Maybe it's the feeling of this "agenda" in the media we hear so much about that drove them, who knows. I don't think there's an agenda - it's worse than that. An agenda suggests a conscious effort at various levels, whereas I believe it is an ingrained prejudice against the club in those at decision-making level which permeates to those below them. Okay, this isn't racism or sexism we're talking about, and the prejudice is being driven by their passion for their own preferred teams , but neither does it mean it should be ignored. This is supposed to be a professional and impartial organisation. If they had written "Well, done 'rag'" as a caption to a picture of a United fan - I'd probably chuckle first, then think "how did they get away with that?".

Great work by those involved.
1200+ posts re: adult football supporters offended by football banter !
I feel quite embarrassed by it all as a city fan if i'm honest
Bertie is hardly degrading and or offensive, what next are we going to call a truce and not use the term rags anymore in case it offends fellow football fans ?
Remember the "welcome to Manchester" banner that was clearly a dig at the rags, sorry, Manchester United we lapped that one up it's all in the name of the game.
shut it bertie
Well said Bozzie.

When this first happened, I thought very little of it. I can take an insult, like most of us, and I'm sure Pete has heard quite a bit down the years. It looked like it was just a minor issue and this thread was initially just an opportunity to bash the BBC. After all, it's not much of an insult anyway. Why bother?

More fool me.

Others saw something else. Maybe it's the feeling of this "agenda" in the media we hear so much about that drove them, who knows. I don't think there's an agenda - it's worse than that. An agenda suggests a conscious effort at various levels, whereas I believe it is an ingrained prejudice against the club in those at decision-making level which permeates to those below them. Okay, this isn't racism or sexism we're talking about, and the prejudice is being driven by their passion for their own preferred teams , but neither does it mean it should be ignored. This is supposed to be a professional and impartial organisation. If they had written "Well, done 'rag'" as a caption to a picture of a United fan - I'd probably chuckle first, then think "how did they get away with that?".

Great work by those involved.
But that's the whole point - they wouldn't dare! Questions would be asked in the House of Commons over their impartiality, as Billy Moron from Manningtree or Rufus Redeyes from Reigate would be petitioning their local MPs about the unfairness of it all..

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