Confused....and angry

our defence has disintegrated, none of the back 4 deserve to be in the team.
The demise of Richards and Dunne is very disappointing and alarming. Richards in particular has fallen from England class to not deserving to be in the City team. What was our strength has become our weakness.
Bigga said:
PMSL!! I don't have anything to respond to here! LOL!! I've been beaten by the great Billy Shears! Resulting in petty insults because he's upset! Yet, you agree with the core of my point and cannot attach the significance of it, to Sven? Priceless! Funny enough, I don't need to quote you, you've done that job for me! What a genius!

Stick with your insults cos you don't have much else to offer!!


PMSL....LOL!! (you see what I did there...)

So, the core of your argument, little man, was that Hughes is tactically inept. To which I countered that you were a huge fan of Sven's, yet he suffered essentially, from the same problems that Hughes did. You have ignored this and decided now is the time to gracefully bow out of the discussion with the classic "Stick with your insults cos you don't have much else to offer!!" line which most of your ilk resort to when they are handed a few firm slaps across the arse...

I can always re-post your original post...

Bigga said:
Ooo! I have a question!!

What happens if the buys that Hughes makes don't improve the team? What happens if they turn out to have the same effect, as in the odd lapse in concentration, misplaced passes leading to goals, bad positioning, not quick enough to cover the counter attacks...

What if Hughes says he's disappointed in the team, they're difficullt to work with after a couple of months? Do we assume the rest of team needs replacing? Or that Hughes, himself, needs replacing?

I was told 'a bad workman blames his tools' and 'if you're stuck with lemons, make lemonade'. Sayings designed to look at the inner workings of how you do things.

He's not exactly the best tactian, so when will pro- Hughes fans see this fact?

Ooh, if those aren't the words of a patronizing spin-mongering tit, then the pope just ain't a Catholic anymore...
So, if you're happy that Hughes is not a tactian, what possible use does he bring to the players/ club? Man management? Drill intructor? Basic football 101?

At least I've laid out what I think is important. You, Shears, have been nothing but scathing in your vitriol of abuse as it's the only concrete thing coming from you! Big sign of weakness.

What does Hughes bring to the club? I ask you a second time, if you missed it the first. I'm not going to lie, I liked Sven's football. It was beautiful, ambitious and hopeful(muchful like City fans). I felt it reflected what we wanted, finally. I felt like Sven understood the fans.

You, no doubt, like many, will point to the latter half of Sven's reign. An unfair comparison, highlighted by idiots, as Sven never had ADUG's backing. Buys were done relatively cheap. Already, we've seen the numbers of suspected players being sought and the combination of price. And people scoff at what Sven bought, last minute!

It's amazing how you Pro- Hughes fans think. Quick to denounce what Sven did, yet fail to praise, looking at the minor miracle he did, in one season.

It's almost impossible to debate the bigger picture of the implications with you.
Bigga said:
So, if you're happy that Hughes is not a tactian, what possible use does he bring to the players/ club? Man management? Drill intructor? Basic football 101?

At least I've laid out what I think is important. You, Shears, have been nothing but scathing in your vitriol of abuse as it's the only concrete thing coming from you! Big sign of weakness.

You're still at it mate...Mark Hughes is not a tactician in your not so humble opinion. But this man unskilled in tactics has had a long and successful career as a professional footballer at the highest level, and has gone on to be relatively successful in his burgeoning career as a football manager. Okay, he hasn't won any major honours as a football manager, but no doubt he will. He has shown a pedigree to manage in the toughest league in the world, when many many others before him have failed miserably.

I'm not happy with some of the tactics he uses, like most armchair football managers are at some point with the manager's of the clubs they support. That doesn't make Hughes some footballing idiot with no nous whatsoever, which is how you and the rest of the anti-Hughes brigade continue to paint him.

What does Hughes bring to the club? I ask you a second time, if you missed it the first. I'm not going to lie, I liked Sven's football. It was beautiful, ambitious and hopeful(muchful like City fans). I felt it reflected what we wanted, finally. I felt like Sven understood the fans.

You, no doubt, like many, will point to the latter half of Sven's reign. An unfair comparison, highlighted by idiots, as Sven never had ADUG's backing. Buys were done relatively cheap. Already, we've seen the numbers of suspected players being sought and the combination of price. And people scoff at what Sven bought, last minute!

Now who's being insulting...we're idiots for highlighting that Sven couldn't win a match to save his life from boxing day onwards...Sven did a good job. No more, no less. When we were good, we were great, and when we were found out, we were crap and ineffective. Much like Hughes's team.

I won't get into the players in and out debate. Suffice to say Sven signed his fair share of dross, and seemed incapable of signing a decent centre forward (at least one who could stay fit, since Bojinov has been injured for his entire City career).

It's amazing how you Pro- Hughes fans think. Quick to denounce what Sven did, yet fail to praise, looking at the minor miracle he did, in one season.

It's almost impossible to debate the bigger picture of the implications with you.

You see, you seem only capable of operating in black and white. Hughes good. Sven bad. Hughes bad. Sven good. It's a very simplistic way of looking at a very complex subject. You accuse me of being incapable of discussing the bigger picture, yet you are scathing of Mark Hughes without even beginning to acknowledge that there are underlying problems within the squad which simply won't be addressed overnight. You refuse to acknowledge that Hughes is the one working for the bigger picture. You want the instant gratification that SGE provided for three or four months.

I insult you because you patronize anyone who disagrees with you Bigga...which you have continued to do in your post above. There's a few like you on here, who think you're the font of all footballing knowledge and anyone who doesn't fall into line is immediately to be dismissed as a know nothing idiot. The irony in that is not lost on me...
pissedagain said:
this is where we are hey boys, at each others throats, thanks hughes for a job well done

So now people think that Hughes has been employed to ensure that he divides the fans.......arse.

Quite clearly some people hated the fact that he was taken on before he had sent out a side just because he was an ex United player. Mnay of us believe that he should be given time to get rid of the lioghweights that played for Sven for 3 months but who were not prepared to dig in and fight to save his job when he came under pressure.

Some managers we seem to take too Keegan Sven but their are many who we as fans never gave a chance too and we pressurised the board to get rid of. Thankfully these owners are away from this country and will not be influenced by such issues (I hope)

I think Hughes can make MCFC a success provided he is allowed to get those players who are prepared to work hard and fight for the cause as well as those falir playes who just have the fancy tricks. Its about getting a balance and I like many have thought that there are 4/5 players who are immediate first team standard, 5/6 squad members and about 6/8 who we should get rid off once the balance is redressed then I think we will climb the table. Dont forget we are only 10 points off a European place
Well, I'm glad you've brought to my attention what he's brought to the club... Nothing. Now, I'm being patronising. Oh and thank you for the lack of 'tit' in your last response. There I go again. I just can't help it, can I? *Oops! Habit*

"You accuse me of being incapable of discussing the bigger picture, yet you are scathing of Mark Hughes without even beginning to acknowledge that there are underlying problems within the squad which simply won't be addressed overnight".

Do you mean Hughes can only work with certain type of players? Ones that feel they can follow blindly without questioning 'why so-and-so's not playing cos this other guy's not making any moves forward for a pass' kind of players? Do you mean the kick and chase players he feels so comfy with?

Haven't we, as fans, been down this corridor so many times before and that's why we felt an affinity with Sven? Didn't Sven's brand make us love football again? Make us feel 10ft tall even after an entertaining defeat? I won't compare a latter season because there's no comparison. We're beyond that now, when we compare the monies involved in this window, compared to last. And it's not the Sven thing I'm talking about. I'm talking about us playing football the way we always wanted to be associated with.

"Give Hughes time to get his own men in". Fine. Welcome back Route One Football. Knock it long to Roque, Roque nods on/ across to a runner. Yay, so long as we win. Dour, dour sh*te. So long as we win. This is what you want? This is what you'll get. As long as we win type football. It won't attract class players, I assure you, so we'll be right back where we are.

Right here, right now, mid table area.

You don't actually offer anything to discuss with, do you BS. Apt, those initials.
of course he ll turn it round, if they allowed me to keep throwing cash at it, i d turn it round
Bigga said:
"Give Hughes time to get his own men in". Fine. Welcome back Route One Football. Knock it long to Roque, Roque nods on/ across to a runner. Yay, so long as we win. Dour, dour sh*te. So long as we win. This is what you want? This is what you'll get. As long as we win type football. It won't attract class players

Right here, right now, mid table area.

You don't actually offer anything to discuss with, do you BS. Apt, those initials.

So class players wont be attracted to a winning side what utter bollocks. Some people are compaining because there is a danger that Mark Hughes might get a side together that might wins games FFS grow up. I couldnt care if we win every game 1-0 we are not in the position like Abramovich who had won things but then decided he wanted to win with more style and so got rid of Mouriniho. Grant then promised to play the beautiful game and was sacked and now Scolari is under a bit of pressure for not playing a more expansive game.

Let that be a lesson to all those who want Mouriniho here he played a dour but winning style of football, to paraphrase long ball to Drogba who nods it to Lampard you see the picture that is emerging. Some managers know what it takes to win games in this league it needs effort, skill and desire things that are sadly lacking in some individuals at this club.

United have built their success on the effort of Keane, Ince, Robson, Pallister, Bruce, Scholes but aligned that with the flair of Giggs, Tranny, Cantona we havent yet got enough of the ones that would die for the cause and until we do we are going to get inconsistent performances but once those players are brought in I believe better things lie ahead
Bigga said:
Well, I'm glad you've brought to my attention what he's brought to the club... Nothing. Now, I'm being patronising. Oh and thank you for the lack of 'tit' in your last response. There I go again. I just can't help it, can I? *Oops! Habit*

Do your feet touch the ground when you sit in front of your computer?

"You accuse me of being incapable of discussing the bigger picture, yet you are scathing of Mark Hughes without even beginning to acknowledge that there are underlying problems within the squad which simply won't be addressed overnight".

Do you mean Hughes can only work with certain type of players? Ones that feel they can follow blindly without questioning 'why so-and-so's not playing cos this other guy's not making any moves forward for a pass' kind of players? Do you mean the kick and chase players he feels so comfy with?

You are continuing to show your ignorance to the issues by blindly repeating the same bland observations that a few others on this board have made. Did we beat Pompey, Sunderland, Hull, West Ham, and Stoke playing kick and rush football? Did we fuck.

If you're talking about the types of players Hughes wants to bring in...why don't you wait until he's signed a few, and let them play a few games before castigating him. The Bellamy's and Parker's of this world may not be to your liking, hell they may not even be to my liking, but I'd like to see us find some stability in both performances and results. Something which we have lacked for year...

Haven't we, as fans, been down this corridor so many times before and that's why we felt an affinity with Sven? Didn't Sven's brand make us love football again? Make us feel 10ft tall even after an entertaining defeat? I won't compare a latter season because there's no comparison. We're beyond that now, when we compare the monies involved in this window, compared to last. And it's not the Sven thing I'm talking about. I'm talking about us playing football the way we always wanted to be associated with.

That's very passionate, i'll give you that. Emotional drivel with no real basis in reality, but passionate. I love the beautiful game, and wished we played football that way week in and week out. We need the players capable of doing it AND winning matches consistently. We didn't have that under Sven, and we don't have it now. Because it doesn't happen overnight. Right now I'd rather be an ugly winner than a beautiful loser.

"Give Hughes time to get his own men in". Fine. Welcome back Route One Football. Knock it long to Roque, Roque nods on/ across to a runner. Yay, so long as we win. Dour, dour sh*te. So long as we win. This is what you want? This is what you'll get. As long as we win type football. It won't attract class players, I assure you, so we'll be right back where we are.

Right here, right now, mid table area.

You don't actually offer anything to discuss with, do you BS. Apt, those initials.

LOL. Comedy gold there. BS. Apt initials. Did you think that up all by yourself.

Seriously, I've argued the toss with many posters over the years, and had plenty of reasoned and well thought out arguments put me in my place. You have failed miserably, and are now in danger of disappearing up your own arsehole in search of a decent point.

I'll leave those who read this exchange to make their own minds up about who the bigger tosser of the two of us is...

(BTW, you should try buying the same kind of shoes as Tom Cruise...they did wonders for his self-esteem...)

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