Confused....and angry

chesterguy said:
Bigga said:
"Give Hughes time to get his own men in". Fine. Welcome back Route One Football. Knock it long to Roque, Roque nods on/ across to a runner. Yay, so long as we win. Dour, dour sh*te. So long as we win. This is what you want? This is what you'll get. As long as we win type football. It won't attract class players

Right here, right now, mid table area.

You don't actually offer anything to discuss with, do you BS. Apt, those initials.

So class players wont be attracted to a winning side what utter bollocks. Some people are compaining because there is a danger that Mark Hughes might get a side together that might wins games FFS grow up. I couldnt care if we win every game 1-0 we are not in the position like Abramovich who had won things but then decided he wanted to win with more style and so got rid of Mouriniho. Grant then promised to play the beautiful game and was sacked and now Scolari is under a bit of pressure for not playing a more expansive game.

Let that be a lesson to all those who want Mouriniho here he played a dour but winning style of football, to paraphrase long ball to Drogba who nods it to Lampard you see the picture that is emerging. Some managers know what it takes to win games in this league it needs effort, skill and desire things that are sadly lacking in some individuals at this club.

United have built their success on the effort of Keane, Ince, Robson, Pallister, Bruce, Scholes but aligned that with the flair of Giggs, Tranny, Cantona we havent yet got enough of the ones that would die for the cause and until we do we are going to get inconsistent performances but once those players are brought in I believe better things lie ahead

Shall I kick your sand castle to pieces for you? Roman bought himself a toy. HE was unhappy with the football and that's what counted to him, fook the fans.

My view of how I see City play football was MY own. I did not attach every City fans view of it by adding 'we', except as an actual club. As long as YOU don't care how we win is a matter for YOU. I could care less.

I suppose Hughes "knows what it takes to win games in this league" cos he he 'did so well with Blackburn'. There is no lack of skill at the club and a team can only gain fitness. And desire will come when the correct tactics are instilled for players in the right positions. Even Tw@face up the road will tell you this. You don't bang Carrick or Feltcher on the wing. Nor do you put Ladyboy in DM, to see how it works.

Don't chat sh*te to me, then compare other teams to what's happening with this one.

And one more thing, in the challenging pack of the top 5, name me a world class player.
Bigga said:
chesterguy said:
So class players wont be attracted to a winning side what utter bollocks. Some people are compaining because there is a danger that Mark Hughes might get a side together that might wins games FFS grow up. I couldnt care if we win every game 1-0 we are not in the position like Abramovich who had won things but then decided he wanted to win with more style and so got rid of Mouriniho. Grant then promised to play the beautiful game and was sacked and now Scolari is under a bit of pressure for not playing a more expansive game.

Let that be a lesson to all those who want Mouriniho here he played a dour but winning style of football, to paraphrase long ball to Drogba who nods it to Lampard you see the picture that is emerging. Some managers know what it takes to win games in this league it needs effort, skill and desire things that are sadly lacking in some individuals at this club.

United have built their success on the effort of Keane, Ince, Robson, Pallister, Bruce, Scholes but aligned that with the flair of Giggs, Tranny, Cantona we havent yet got enough of the ones that would die for the cause and until we do we are going to get inconsistent performances but once those players are brought in I believe better things lie ahead

Shall I kick your sand castle to pieces for you? Roman bought himself a toy. HE was unhappy with the football and that's what counted to him, fook the fans.

My view of how I see City play football was MY own. I did not attach every City fans view of it by adding 'we', except as an actual club. As long as YOU don't care how we win is a matter for YOU. I could care less.

I suppose Hughes "knows what it takes to win games in this league" cos he he 'did so well with Blackburn'. There is no lack of skill at the club and a team can only gain fitness. And desire will come when the correct tactics are instilled for players in the right positions. Even Tw@face up the road will tell you this. You don't bang Carrick or Feltcher on the wing. Nor do you put Ladyboy in DM, to see how it works.

Don't chat sh*te to me, then compare other teams to what's happening with this one.

And one more thing, in the challenging pack of the top 5, name me a world class player.

You could start a fight in an empty room...! Fucking hilarious...

Keep it up champ...keep fighting that corner...and careful not to fall off your stool...
Bigga said:
chesterguy said:
So class players wont be attracted to a winning side what utter bollocks. Some people are compaining because there is a danger that Mark Hughes might get a side together that might wins games FFS grow up. I couldnt care if we win every game 1-0 we are not in the position like Abramovich who had won things but then decided he wanted to win with more style and so got rid of Mouriniho. Grant then promised to play the beautiful game and was sacked and now Scolari is under a bit of pressure for not playing a more expansive game.

Let that be a lesson to all those who want Mouriniho here he played a dour but winning style of football, to paraphrase long ball to Drogba who nods it to Lampard you see the picture that is emerging. Some managers know what it takes to win games in this league it needs effort, skill and desire things that are sadly lacking in some individuals at this club.

United have built their success on the effort of Keane, Ince, Robson, Pallister, Bruce, Scholes but aligned that with the flair of Giggs, Tranny, Cantona we havent yet got enough of the ones that would die for the cause and until we do we are going to get inconsistent performances but once those players are brought in I believe better things lie ahead

Shall I kick your sand castle to pieces for you? Roman bought himself a toy. HE was unhappy with the football and that's what counted to him, fook the fans.

My view of how I see City play football was MY own. I did not attach every City fans view of it by adding 'we', except as an actual club. As long as YOU don't care how we win is a matter for YOU. I could care less.

I suppose Hughes "knows what it takes to win games in this league" cos he he 'did so well with Blackburn'. There is no lack of skill at the club and a team can only gain fitness. And desire will come when the correct tactics are instilled for players in the right positions. Even Tw@face up the road will tell you this. You don't bang Carrick or Feltcher on the wing. Nor do you put Ladyboy in DM, to see how it works.

Don't chat sh*te to me, then compare other teams to what's happening with this one.

And one more thing, in the challenging pack of the top 5, name me a world class player.

This is such convulted drivel I dont know where to begin. Why do think the Arabs bought MCFC because they had always loved us or perhaps they saw an opportunity as did Abramovich how much do you think they care about the fans.....moron.

What are you trying to say is that you would rather we lost every game unless we played the perfect game. Rather than the players perhaps Robiniho meant the losing mentality of the players and some fans at the club.

The problem at this club is that certain players seem to want to play and can be arsed some dont. What I am saying is lets get rid of those players and see how the team does. Fitter players who work hard will allow those flair players such as Robiniho, Ireland SWP to do their stuff surely we all want that. The problem is that the club is being let down by selfish players who are performing poorly for their own purposes. Hughes has shown that with inferior players he could create a good side. What I hope is that once he gets superior players provided they show the same application then we should become a hreat side.

No club in the world has won anything with lazy brilliant footballers not even the Galcticos of Real Madrid could do that
your right he needs to go,and all these who say give him a chance, bollocks! the mans useless,can`t organise,tactics are crap,has no charisma and gets £4 million a year to produce the worst display of crap,i`ve ever seen at eastlands,sorry but sitting there with your fingers up your bum saying give the poor man some time! is gonna get us relegated!!!!
chesterguy said:
This is such convulted drivel I dont know where to begin. Why do think the Arabs bought MCFC because they had always loved us or perhaps they saw an opportunity as did Abramovich how much do you think they care about the fans.....moron.

What are you trying to say is that you would rather we lost every game unless we played the perfect game. Rather than the players perhaps Robiniho meant the losing mentality of the players and some fans at the club.

The problem at this club is that certain players seem to want to play and can be arsed some dont. What I am saying is lets get rid of those players and see how the team does. Fitter players who work hard will allow those flair players such as Robiniho, Ireland SWP to do their stuff surely we all want that. The problem is that the club is being let down by selfish players who are performing poorly for their own purposes. Hughes has shown that with inferior players he could create a good side. What I hope is that once he gets superior players provided they show the same application then we should become a hreat side.

No club in the world has won anything with lazy brilliant footballers not even the Galcticos of Real Madrid could do that

Ahahaha!!! Bet you thought about this post for a while before delivering!!

If you TRULY knew why ADUG bought the club, then you'd realise it wasn't just for the club of Manchester City... Moron. I can't be bothered going into the ins and outs, but I'm happy to let you think it's all about competing in the Prem.

And where, in your deluded response to my post, was I "trying to say is that I would rather we lost every game unless we played the perfect game"? Total nonsense and you should talk about it to yourself.

"Hughes has shown that with inferior players he could create a good side"... Hmmm, according to many, he has just now. So, if Hughes cannot do the same to this lot, is it anything to do with his tactics or management?

And by "superior players", you mean the likes of Bellamy, Parker and Bridge, well I'll say the margin is MINIMAL, "provided they show the same application"(well, there's a get out clause if ever I've seen one!). As for the Galacticos, they had tactics, movement and an awareness of where everyone would be. Not fitness alone.
Bigga said:
chesterguy said:
This is such convulted drivel I dont know where to begin. Why do think the Arabs bought MCFC because they had always loved us or perhaps they saw an opportunity as did Abramovich how much do you think they care about the fans.....moron.

What are you trying to say is that you would rather we lost every game unless we played the perfect game. Rather than the players perhaps Robiniho meant the losing mentality of the players and some fans at the club.

The problem at this club is that certain players seem to want to play and can be arsed some dont. What I am saying is lets get rid of those players and see how the team does. Fitter players who work hard will allow those flair players such as Robiniho, Ireland SWP to do their stuff surely we all want that. The problem is that the club is being let down by selfish players who are performing poorly for their own purposes. Hughes has shown that with inferior players he could create a good side. What I hope is that once he gets superior players provided they show the same application then we should become a hreat side.

No club in the world has won anything with lazy brilliant footballers not even the Galcticos of Real Madrid could do that

Ahahaha!!! Bet you thought about this post for a while before delivering!!

If you TRULY knew why ADUG bought the club, then you'd realise it wasn't just for the club of Manchester City... Moron. I can't be bothered going into the ins and outs, but I'm happy to let you think it's all about competing in the Prem.

And where, in your deluded response to my post, was I "trying to say is that I would rather we lost every game unless we played the perfect game"? Total nonsense and you should talk about it to yourself.

"Hughes has shown that with inferior players he could create a good side"... Hmmm, according to many, he has just now. So, if Hughes cannot do the same to this lot, is it anything to do with his tactics or management?

And by "superior players", you mean the likes of Bellamy, Parker and Bridge, well I'll say the margin is MINIMAL, "provided they show the same application"(well, there's a get out clause if ever I've seen one!). As for the Galacticos, they had tactics, movement and an awareness of where everyone would be. Not fitness alone.

I think you need to take your medication mate. I said ADUG bought us because they saw an opportunity NOT because of they wanted to buy fucking thick t**t.

You were the one that said "My view of how I see City play football was MY own. I did not attach every City fans view of it by adding 'we', except as an actual club. As long as YOU don't care how we win is a matter for YOU. I could care less."

What I said was that in my view Blackburn have inferior players to us at City yet Hughes forged them into a good side how he did I dont know but he did. Perhaps it was down to the players that he had their listening to what he had to say and oing it and perhaps at City there are too many players not prepared to do that

By superior players I mean Robiniho, SWP Ireland Kompany and hopefully Kaka or Villa or whichever other top star we can attract.

And as for the Galacticos you absolute tosser they were shite proving that even if you have all the best players i the world you cannot make them into a great team unless they are prepared to put the hard work in as well.

You sir are a t**t and your apology for being so is accepted
The Galacticos were not the team containing the best players. Never were.
chesterguy said:
I think you need to take your medication mate. I said ADUG bought us because they saw an opportunity NOT because of they wanted to buy fucking thick t**t.

You were the one that said "My view of how I see City play football was MY own. I did not attach every City fans view of it by adding 'we', except as an actual club. As long as YOU don't care how we win is a matter for YOU. I could care less."

What I said was that in my view Blackburn have inferior players to us at City yet Hughes forged them into a good side how he did I dont know but he did. Perhaps it was down to the players that he had their listening to what he had to say and oing it and perhaps at City there are too many players not prepared to do that

By superior players I mean Robiniho, SWP Ireland Kompany and hopefully Kaka or Villa or whichever other top star we can attract.

And as for the Galacticos you absolute tosser they were shite proving that even if you have all the best players i the world you cannot make them into a great team unless they are prepared to put the hard work in as well.

You sir are a t**t and your apology for being so is accepted

Maybe this is why you're a thick c*nt and always have been.
"ADUG bought us because they saw an opportunity NOT because of they wanted to buy MCFC"... Explain it. Since you seem to know what YOU are talking about. Why us and not Hull, Everton, Newcastle, Fulham? Amuse me to the extent of your knowledge. Let's see how much you know about our club.

If Real Madrid were so sh*te as the Galacticos, how on earth did they manage to win a title? In fact the 2002/03 season title? How did they win the Supercopa de España in 2003 and the Copa del Rey in 2003/ 04? Do some research to back what little knowledge you obviously have...

"By superior players I mean Robiniho, SWP Ireland Kompany and hopefully Kaka or Villa or whichever other top star we can attract." Let me explain, DOUR FOOTBALL HAS NEVER ATTRACTED TOP STARS and if you want Hughes to make Blackburn Mk II, that is what will happen. Arseh*le. Robinho is an obvious ADUG buy and SWP was bought to appease the fans. If they are after the likes of Kaka and Villa, clearly they seem to be working off another agenda to Hughes who will find himself walking the plank if those players don't like his methods.

And when you mention Blackburn, you also know that those players were bargain basement who were at last chance saloon, to play in the top league. They had one or two decent players, but you'll always get that with the Blackburns of this world. One must be utterly stupid to think the same notion of management applies at every club! One cannot bludgeon respect from everyone. One must know when to refine a process to get the results he wants.

Insult me all you like, you seem to have fun doing so. You'll be the second in this thread to do so and lose. It doesn't make your dim world any brighter. I don't think like you and I'm pretty glad I don't. I've been told I think 'black and white', but that's far far from the truth.

I'll be me and you be... whatever it is you are, I don't know. I'm happy with that.

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