Conspiracy Theories

Many regulations and standards were broken, insufficient explanations or outright ignoring some issues make the 7/11 stuff hard to swallow as a truth.

The one that just popped into my head then is the procedure for dealing with a downed building.
They analyze every inch of the rubble usually but the twin towers were sent to a secure lockup in NY somewhere then flogged to china pronto.

It just seems so many bad or non existing answers all seem to afford the opportunity of foul play.
I am not saying it is this that or the other.
I do know i do not accept the official line given and it angers me these faceless bastards get to act with impunity.
Barker said:
Even if there were controlled explosives in the twin towers, why couldn't they have been planted by Al Qaida?

You're forgetting about the mind control chemicals that airlines release to create chemtrails. Fuck knows what temperature that shit burns at.
smudgedj said:
Barker said:
Even if there were controlled explosives in the twin towers, why couldn't they have been planted by Al Qaida?

You're forgetting about the mind control chemicals that airlines release to create chemtrails. Fuck knows what temperature that shit burns at.

No one knows because there mind is being controlled
TCIB said:
Many regulations and standards were broken, insufficient explanations or outright ignoring some issues make the 7/11 stuff hard to swallow as a truth.

The one that just popped into my head then is the procedure for dealing with a downed building.
They analyze every inch of the rubble usually but the twin towers were sent to a secure lockup in NY somewhere then flogged to china pronto.

It just seems so many bad or non existing answers all seem to afford the opportunity of foul play.
I am not saying it is this that or the other.
I do know i do not accept the official line given and it angers me these faceless bastards get to act with impunity.

there is a lot we don't know, but from a conspiracy standpoint & 9/11 I'd suggest much of it concerns people who have been detained by the UK & US gov'ts (sometimes in collusion with overseas agencies & gov'ts) who for one reason or another aren't guilty of what they've been detained/interrogated for, yet become an embarrassment and for this reason (and the improper means/protracted process by which such situations arise) are sought to be covered-up by those agencies & bureaucrats who should be held accountable in a fair and transparent society.. I know grey areas abound, and there are plenty of ethical dilemmas - like would you torture someone if you knew knew they were 'stubbornly withholding' information that could save X thousand lives & you've only got 48 hours to foil what you know is a terrorist act? etc etc

from aspects of physics & architecture & the like, not a lot was known about what happens when you fly airliners into tall buildings (all of which have their own unique structure & design, and I sat through a presentation recently by an international firm of architects specialising in skyscraper architectural analysis) - or when you dump several hundred million tonnes of debris on a commercially developed downtown metropolitan financial district... although for so many reasons (including common sense) it shouldn't be beyond the reach of most people who can intelligently reason to assess what could have happened from all the various possibilities, even if we're still not sure, from what definitely didn't happen.
blinkblue said:
The amount of people on the internet that think Paul McCartney died in 66' is depressing.

or frightening if they also subscribe to Moon & 9/11 conspiracy theories & the like..

- kind of makes you wonder if they vote or engage in any lunatic fringe elements, and what they might get up to in their 'spare' time.. of course in the US we have the 'militia' men who can be a little disconcerting with their anti-gov't views & collection of weapons; which of course are their 'right' to own etc etc etc

MCFCinUSA said:
blinkblue said:
The amount of people on the internet that think Paul McCartney died in 66' is depressing.

or frightening if they also subscribe to Moon & 9/11 conspiracy theories & the like..

- kind of makes you wonder if they vote or engage in any lunatic fringe elements, and what they might get up to in their 'spare' time.. of course in the US we have the 'militia' men who can be a little disconcerting with their anti-gov't views & collection of weapons; which of course are their 'right' to own etc etc etc


Do you ever give up mate? it's like an obsession... you lie dormant from time to time then the minute someone comes out with the 9/11 stuff you are like AARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH running from a million miles to jump on the poster/s.. it's become amusing tbh like, almost like a South Park character or something.

You wouldn't let on anyway but do you work for some Govt. Agency or somert as your actions are border line megalomaniacal?
Honestly to god mate.
buzzer1 said:
Do you ever give up mate? it's like an obsession... you lie dormant from time to time then the minute someone comes out with the 9/11 stuff you are like AARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH running from a million miles to jump on the poster/s.. it's become amusing tbh like, almost like a South Park character or something.

You wouldn't let on anyway but do you work for some Govt. Agency or somert as your actions are border line megalomaniacal?
Honestly to god mate.

I find them scarier than the full on mental believe everything conspiracy theorists!..
The real world of James Bond is alive in some peoples heads.

They'll grow up at some point.
buzzer1 said:
MCFCinUSA said:
blinkblue said:
The amount of people on the internet that think Paul McCartney died in 66' is depressing.

or frightening if they also subscribe to Moon & 9/11 conspiracy theories & the like..

- kind of makes you wonder if they vote or engage in any lunatic fringe elements, and what they might get up to in their 'spare' time.. of course in the US we have the 'militia' men who can be a little disconcerting with their anti-gov't views & collection of weapons; which of course are their 'right' to own etc etc etc


Do you ever give up mate? it's like an obsession... you lie dormant from time to time then the minute someone comes out with the 9/11 stuff you are like AARRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH running from a million miles to jump on the poster/s.. it's become amusing tbh like, almost like a South Park character or something.

You wouldn't let on anyway but do you work for some Govt. Agency or somert as your actions are border line megalomaniacal?
Honestly to god mate.

I share similar views to the comedian who BoyBlue posted video about on page 9, and the rest of what I've shared and why I've shared it is in previous links already up, which I'll not repeat.

We agree to differ on our perspectives on this, but when people engage in public conversation about such matters, from time to time (when I'm feeling masochistic - not megalomaniacal) I may make comment.

I'm laughing as well at some of this stuff, but rather than insulting people personally I find the overall phenomena rather sad, as it does have a serious side to it.

PS - Buzzer, in the videos overleaf the guy actually mentions the Dunning-Kruger effect!


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