Conspiracy Theories

MCFCinUSA said:
Buzzer, NONE of the conspiracy ideas put up by people about 9/11 make any sense whatsoever.
Now with regards to the assassination of JFK, this is another matter entirely.

Apart from the tower 7 ones where the official explanaion makes no sense and imformation is unnecessarily witheld.

I don't believe that the yanks flew planes into their own citizens but something very, very odd happened to that extra tower.
without a dream said:
MCFCinUSA said:
Buzzer, NONE of the conspiracy ideas put up by people about 9/11 make any sense whatsoever.
Now with regards to the assassination of JFK, this is another matter entirely.

Apart from the tower 7 ones where the official explanaion makes no sense and imformation is unnecessarily witheld.

I don't believe that the yanks flew planes into their own citizens but something very, very odd happened to that extra tower.
The owner of the building said in an interview 'we made the decision to pull it'. Apparently though that just meant get the firemen out as they knew it was going to collapse.
Look guys, just because we cannot easily account for how a building might have fallen down (physically or mechanically) it doesn't follow it was a conspiracy and detonated from the inside by people on some sort of corrupt financial gain for themselves/their group(s) which would:

(i) be impossible to execute; and
(ii) be impossible to benefit from.

In this day and age you'd have to be absolutely mental & off your rocker to even THINK about trying anything, before you ACTUALLY tried to do something & then you'd very quickly find out how fast the FBI would be on your doorstep +/- the regular police forces and other counter terrorism folks.

Here's a simple story that might also get the main point across:

A relative of mine was found at the foot of a flight of stairs.

No one else was in the house, which was locked and alarmed, with all the lights off.

Now tissue samples of brain & heart were taken by the coroner, and also x-rays showed a skull fracture.

However, the bone fracture wasn't severe enough to cause death, and there was no other evidence of a brain event (like stroke) or a heart attack.

The conclusion of the investigation (which lasted for some six months or so) was not that aliens were the cause of the fatality, but that it was 'accidental' with no further specific causes possible to identify what actually caused death.

Sometimes we simply do not know enough (especially in complex situations) to fully explain and understand everything that happened - but it doesn't mean we can draw fanciful and ridiculous assertions to explain events we do not completely understand.

The idea that someone must have done something to make those buildings fall down because of x, y or z, or because someone said "this didn't look right to me" (or whatever words they may have inaccurately spoken) doesn't mean we can conclude a conspiracy.

Look elsewhere for conspiracies - which do occur, but not in 9/11, at least on the building levels.

On a personal level some of those detained for questioning may be subject to conspiracies and cover-ups because they're innocent & the governments and people responsible do not want to held accountable, but this is a whole different (and quite possible situation) to the sorts of ideas and rubbish propagated in various forms to the less informed over the internet about who was actually behind the WTC attacks.

Remember, attacks on American (and British) properties, both domestically & internationally, have been ongoing for a very long time - and increasingly so with inept US foreign policies of late.

There are an awful lot of people and an awful lot of resources expended on keeping us all safe, and these folks do their damnest to do a good job, and that is all they care about, although they do make mistakes, just as we all do.
BoyBlue_1985 said:

After a foreign nurse I had an affair with asked me what I thought of 'Loose Change', which I bloody endured to render her the opinion she asked for, I don't usually watch these things because I don't have the time & the (conspiracy) videos are usually just nutters - but this guy makes only 5 minute bits and he's pretty decent.

Thanks for sharing these links.
MCFCinUSA said:
Look guys, just because we cannot easily account for how a building might have fallen down (physically or mechanically) it doesn't follow it was a conspiracy and detonated from the inside by people on some sort of corrupt financial gain for themselves/their group(s) which would:

(i) be impossible to execute; and
(ii) be impossible to benefit from.

In this day and age you'd have to be absolutely mental & off your rocker to even THINK about trying anything, before you ACTUALLY tried to do something & then you'd very quickly find out how fast the FBI would be on your doorstep +/- the regular police forces and other counter terrorism folks.

Here's a simple story that might also get the main point across:

Sometimes we simply do not know enough (especially in complex situations) to fully explain and understand everything that happened - but it doesn't mean we can draw fanciful and ridiculous assertions to explain events we do not completely understand.

The idea that someone must have done something to make those buildings fall down because of x, y or z, or because someone said "this didn't look right to me" (or whatever words they may have inaccurately spoken) doesn't mean we can conclude a conspiracy.

Look elsewhere for conspiracies - which do occur, but not in 9/11, at least on the building levels.

It's not tht it's 'not easy' to explain why that building fell down, the US governments suggestion is not a reasonable explanation.

I've not offered a complex theory about how it fell down I am only saying that it's not possible for it to have fallen the way the US government allege it did. They apparently have a model which proves that it is possible, why hasn't that been released? There is no reason to keep that information from the public. If cover up, or supression of information is more comfortable for you than 'conspiracy' then use those words but don't pretend that there's nothing untoward about this tower collapsing.
Without A Dream, I encourage you to watch the videos below - especially the second one, it's only 5 minutes long, and he gives a good overview of matters.

Again, just because we cannot account as accurately for something happening as we might like (in this case WTC 7) it doesn't prove or support any of the 'insider' conspiracy theories as to what caused 9/11:

BoyBlue_1985 said:
Barker said:
Even if there were controlled explosives in the twin towers, why couldn't they have been planted by Al Qaida?

think about it...

(have you watched the two videos above?)

since the earlier attempts at bombing the WTC buildings - like the van they drove into the basement car parks, security in this and everywhere else that could be a terrorist target in NYC is intense.

I used to live there. When visiting and trying to get into a Citibank building in midtown I cannot begin to describe the security measures JUST to VISIT a guy who invited me up to his office; it was ridiculous.

the WTC was open 24/7, and it was patrolled by security of all sorts.

how much explosive do you think it would take to bring a building that SIZE down?

how much space do you think that much explosive would take up, and how many people it would take to plan & plant it.

demoing VACANT buildings takes MONTHS, and is a very skilled and complex process (see what professional explosives firms have said about the 9/11 conspiracy ideas) and these guys have access to explosives, building plans, are experienced about it, have the staffing, know what they're doing, and are NOT seriously breaking the law or causing any suspicious activity to get noticed, etc.

now then...

we saw several large aircraft flying into these things & the explosions happening... fires, and the eventual collapse of the twin towers...

what do you think likely brought those buildings down, and damaged those buildings surrounding the site where millions of tonnes of debris fell?

how tough of a call is this?

(unless someone is paranoid/illogical/unreasoning etc)

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