Conspiracy Theories

strongbowholic said:
Do you believe Jesus and Mary Magdalene might have been married ? NO

Do you believe the Moon landing in 1969 was a hoax and staged in a studio ? NO

Do you believe the Holocaust was a "myth" ? NO

Do you believe Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin, 1945 ? YES

Do you believe JFK was assassinated by a single gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald ? NO

Do you believe the US Government allowed 9/11 to happen ? NO

Do you believe the Twin Towers fell by controlled explosions from inside the building ? NO

Do you believe Global warming is real and accelerating by Mankind ? YES

Clearly some caveats to one or tow of those answers, but the request was simply for "yes/no" answers.

are you sure you're not too sane to be participating in this thread?
Markt85 said:
Yes or No answers only -

Do you believe Jesus and Mary Magdalene might have been married ?


Do you believe the Moon landing in 1969 was a hoax and staged in a studio ?


Do you believe the Holocaust was a "myth" ?


Do you believe Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin, 1945 ?


Do you believe JFK was assassinated by a single gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald ?


Do you believe the US Government allowed 9/11 to happen ?


Do you believe the Twin Towers fell by controlled explosions from inside the building ?


Do you believe Global warming is real and accelerating by Mankind ?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
MCFCinUSA said:
I shouldn't be looking at people's answers to some of these questions, because it's frightening & upsetting how willfully ignorant (in one or two cases posed) people can be, and very disheartening.

If only we were all as bright as you are, then we would know all the answers.
In future if I am unsure about something, I shall simply pm you, and I trust the other fifty odd thousand forumites will do the same.
I'll try to ascertain your opinion on absolutely everything from now on, to avoid any undue heartache potential disagreement may cause you.

alright, I'd 'fess up to being a masochist looking at stuff like this, but I'm also making a very serious point.

it is alarming - as others have statistically confirmed the numbers of people who doubt the moon landings & commented on their worrying findings, and those who hold similar view points (and other 'conspiracy' ideas that are equally fanciful)

people seemingly cannot make informed decisions based upon competent gathering of information and logical discernment of what is real and what is crap; if they find something on the internet they rely on it as gospel, and are all too easily spoon fed bollocks. There have been other conclusions as why some people hold such divergent beliefs, but I've been there before and won't get into it here.

it's one thing to be right or wrong - we all make mistakes & hold mistaken beliefs, but to hold such distorted opinions about things that really shouldn't be too difficult to work through with a little thought and investigation, what does it mean?

suffice to say it's rather worrying from certain perspectives; there appear to be an awful lot of loonies around.

(and I'm sitting in a country right now where enough of them have put a loon into power, and the consequences are clear for all to see - rather worrying)
MCFCinUSA said:
suffice to say it's rather worrying from certain perspectives; there appear to be an awful lot of loonies around.

They must find it difficult...
Those who have taken authority as the truth,
Rather than truth as the authority."

-G. Massey, Egyptologist

I watched the events of 9/11 unfold and the towers come down and I believed it was controlled then and I still do know and all the believers and naysayers, won't change my mind!

I also don't believe in the war on terror nor the war on drugs!...
Trollsmoan said:
MCFCinUSA said:
suffice to say it's rather worrying from certain perspectives; there appear to be an awful lot of loonies around.

They must find it difficult...
Those who have taken authority as the truth,
Rather than truth as the authority."

-G. Massey, Egyptologist

I watched the events of 9/11 unfold and the towers come down and I believed it was controlled then and I still do know and all the believers and naysayers, won't change my mind!

I also don't believe in the war on terror nor the war on drugs!...

well let's agree to differ on this one, although I have gotten into why this couldn't possibly be 'an inside job' elsewhere on Bluemoon.
MCFCinUSA said:
Trollsmoan said:
MCFCinUSA said:
suffice to say it's rather worrying from certain perspectives; there appear to be an awful lot of loonies around.

They must find it difficult...
Those who have taken authority as the truth,
Rather than truth as the authority."

-G. Massey, Egyptologist

I watched the events of 9/11 unfold and the towers come down and I believed it was controlled then and I still do know and all the believers and naysayers, won't change my mind!

I also don't believe in the war on terror nor the war on drugs!...

well let's agree to differ on this one, although I have gotten into why this couldn't possibly be 'an inside job' elsewhere on Bluemoon.

Please can you link me pal?
Do you believe Jesus and Mary Magdalene might have been married ?
Does it matter ? - Yes

Do you believe the Moon landing in 1969 was a hoax and staged in a studio ?

Do you believe the Holocaust was a "myth" ?

Do you believe Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin, 1945 ?

Do you believe JFK was assassinated by a single gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald ?

Do you believe the US Government allowed 9/11 to happen ?

Do you believe the Twin Towers fell by controlled explosions from inside the building ?

Do you believe Global warming is real and accelerating by Mankind ?
Trollsmoan said:

I watched the events of 9/11 unfold and the towers come down and I believed it was controlled then and I still do know and all the believers and naysayers, won't change my mind!

it often pays to have an open mind, to thoroughly do your research, and then make an informed opinion, AND to be capable of revising your ideas when information & experience dictates such.

holding fast to anything without reason, and without testing things you assume to be true or valid can leave you in a very precarious and potentially backward uniformed position.

I'm not talking about specifics here, just in our everyday approach to learning.

- and I've changed my opinion on certain things over the years in some quite significant ways, so much so that the me of 20-odd years ago might turn and run in the opposite direction if meeting the me of today.
MCFCinUSA said:
well let's agree to differ on this one, although I have gotten into why this couldn't possibly be 'an inside job' elsewhere on Bluemoon.

Let's agree to disagree (but massive false flag here!)

I've seen both sides of the argument and their cases are both compelling, believable and completely plausible but those who desire so can find away for portraying something in the light in which they so desire and why I stick with my gut reaction as the events unfolded!
Some of my answers would have been 'not sure'. 9/11 looked odd to me and a lot of educated people, and victim's relatives have questioned NIST's reports. One thing I will say is that the US government are not as innocent as many view them. Syria's probably next in line for some force-fed 'democracy' now they've used sarin.

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