Cook, Marwood - Tevez : who's fault ?

Falastur said:
oakiecokie said:
So what can you tell us about the Dzeko buyout clause ?? Are you privy to something the rest of us don`t know ?

I can tell you what he meant, and I'm not even close to being ITK. He meant the story that the club let Dzeko's minimum fee run down as they thought Wolfsburg could be brow-beaten into selling him for less, when actually they just instantly raised his fee to £50m and stymied us.

Thats allegedly what happened from the medias perspective !
There could have been other factors,like him NOT actually wanting to join us at the time !!
Again we are the blaming the Club,when we don`t know or understand what the real problem was,IF ANY !!
Reading between the lines, his family never really settled in Manchester - his fooling around certainly hasn't helped.

He wanted to leave England but the greed inside him (and Koorabchian) couldn't refuse the offer we made.

Now the chickens have come home to roost and he's basically making it up as he goes a long in a desperate attempt to get away.

He's made bad decisions at every turn, been badly advised and we're supposed to pick up the pieces?

Let him rot.
Didsbury Dave said:
If the idea is to damage the club's leadership it would have been more effective for this to happen at a time when the chips were down. Like 4 or 5 weeks ago. But I still think City leaked it knowing that most fans would react as they have. Especially when we've just won away without him!

From what I can pick up this has been rumbling on a good while now.

I asked Tolmie this question yesterday.

Somebody leaked it to the newspaper (NoTW was it ?) on Saturday after the game. For that reason I had a similar inclination that it might have been an unofficial leak from within City, to soften the blow, and having let it out of the bag, they could get their official comments (retaliation) out first. For the same reason as you, I think the fact that it came as we hit our best position in the table, points to a City leak, otherwise it would have made much more sense to do it after the 0-0 with Birmingham when feelings amongst the fans were less than favourable with the manager.

Its also interesting that Tevez wanted to distance himself from the media saying it was down to problems with Mancini.

I really hope that City stand firm on it, and don't budge their position.
oakiecokie said:

I can tell you what he meant, and I'm not even close to being ITK. He meant the story that the club let Dzeko's minimum fee run down as they thought Wolfsburg could be brow-beaten into selling him for less, when actually they just instantly raised his fee to £50m and stymied us.

Thats allegedly what happened from the medias perspective !
There could have been other factors,like him NOT actually wanting to join us at the time !!
Again we are the blaming the Club,when we don`t know or understand what the real problem was,IF ANY !!

Even if true then there is a lesson to be learnt from that in how to fend off the attentions of a big club circling your star player. You can't always make another club sell their best player to you. City take note. If Dzeko is worth £50 million then Tevex must be worth two or three times that. Make them wait then bump the price so high their eyes water.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
A pertinent question might be to ask why the Tevez statement refused to have a go at Mancini...

Especially when the one thing which is clear, Carlos and the manager don't see eye to eye.

A while ago you mentioned the problems at the club are more deep rooted than people think so I might be putting 2 and 2 together here and getting 5, but its worth a punt.
I reckon the statement doesn't mention Mancini because KJ and CT know he has the backing of Sheikh Mansour and Khaaldoon, which might be something that Cook and Marwood don't?
Cook and Marwood are responsible for making sure City honor the contract they made with Tevez. They then helped make him a fan favorite by making him the poster boy for the club, and doing lots of PR to boost his public image. I don't think even Tevez is suggestion that City haven't honored the contract. Sounds like City even offered enhancements. So what can Cook or Marwood possibly have done that impacts Tevez negatively? This: After Tevez's agent demanded money above and beyond the existing contract, and after submitting a written transfer request that the agent leaked to a News of the World reporter banned from our club... Then Cook and Marwood told the truth about Tevez asking for more money thus exposing the lack of honour and loyalty. It makes Tevez look the way he really is. They called his agent's bluff.

Tevez not wanting to honor the contract he signed, screwing up his own home life, disrespecting a manager who seems very balanced and reasonable... Telling the News of the World that he was submitting a written transfer request.... All while sitting on a beach in Tenerife on compassionate leave to see his children. That's not a team player quietly trying to take care of his family. That's blackmail / manipulation / betrayal.

Fault lies 100% with Tevez and his agent. No-one at City has blame. Tevez's agent is betting that City fans turn on the club leadership. I hope he's underestimated us.

I hope Tevez does a full Rooney and apologizes and returns. But I back our club 100% in taking a stand against this nonsense.
AustinBlue said:
Cook and Marwood are responsible for making sure City honor the contract they made with Tevez. They then helped make him a fan favorite by making him the poster boy for the club, and doing lots of PR to boost his public image. I don't think even Tevez is suggestion that City haven't honored the contract. Sounds like City even offered enhancements. So what can Cook or Marwood possibly have done that impacts Tevez negatively? This: After Tevez's agent demanded money above and beyond the existing contract, and after submitting a written transfer request that the agent leaked to a News of the World reporter banned from our club... Then Cook and Marwood told the truth about Tevez asking for more money thus exposing the lack of honour and loyalty. It makes Tevez look the way he really is. They called his agent's bluff.

Tevez not wanting to honor the contract he signed, screwing up his own home life, disrespecting a manager who seems very balanced and reasonable... Telling the News of the World that he was submitting a written transfer request.... All while sitting on a beach in Tenerife on compassionate leave to see his children. That's not a team player quietly trying to take care of his family. That's blackmail / manipulation / betrayal.

Fault lies 100% with Tevez and his agent. No-one at City has blame. Tevez's agent is betting that City fans turn on the club leadership. I hope he's underestimated us.

I hope Tevez does a full Rooney and apologizes and returns. But I back our club 100% in taking a stand against this nonsense.

Bang on the money. And they mis-judged the fans reaction 1000%.

City till we die.

Carlos who?
Craggers said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
A pertinent question might be to ask why the Tevez statement refused to have a go at Mancini...

Especially when the one thing which is clear, Carlos and the manager don't see eye to eye.

A while ago you mentioned the problems at the club are more deep rooted than people think so I might be putting 2 and 2 together here and getting 5, but its worth a punt.
I reckon the statement doesn't mention Mancini because KJ and CT know he has the backing of Sheikh Mansour and Khaaldoon, which might be something that Cook and Marwood don't?
It certainly sounds like that's what they're hoping. I'm far from being Cooks biggest fan but I really don't think he's the problem here.

My completely uninformed opinion is that Tevez has an overinflated opinion of himself and has been acting the diva and making demands like training at times that suit him, regular trips home, never get subbed off unless he signals the bench to do so, tubes of Smarties with the blue ones removed, etc.

I'd tell them, 'You're under contract and you'll be here until we find a replacement and line up a suitable transfer deal for you.'
cleavers said:
Didsbury Dave said:
If the idea is to damage the club's leadership it would have been more effective for this to happen at a time when the chips were down. Like 4 or 5 weeks ago. But I still think City leaked it knowing that most fans would react as they have. Especially when we've just won away without him!

From what I can pick up this has been rumbling on a good while now.

I asked Tolmie this question yesterday.

Somebody leaked it to the newspaper (NoTW was it ?) on Saturday after the game. For that reason I had a similar inclination that it might have been an unofficial leak from within City, to soften the blow, and having let it out of the bag, they could get their official comments (retaliation) out first. For the same reason as you, I think the fact that it came as we hit our best position in the table, points to a City leak, otherwise it would have made much more sense to do it after the 0-0 with Birmingham when feelings amongst the fans were less than favourable with the manager.

Its also interesting that Tevez wanted to distance himself from the media saying it was down to problems with Mancini.

I really hope that City stand firm on it, and don't budge their position.

With regard to the weasel that is Joorabchian, the only thing bigger than this guys wallet is his ego and there may well be some value in the inference that he is using this as some sort of personal vendetta against both Marwood and Cooky. Both of whom seem pretty solid on the way they will deal with this guy in the future and others of the same ilk who were seemingly trying to take the piss out of our proud club.......enough is enough!!

Of course, at the end of the day its down to Tevez to figure out who is managing who here and deal with the little rat accordingly, but i doubt that will happen as he has been Tevez's money tree pretty much all his career and he certainly won’t want to kill that golden goose any time soon.

For all his considerable talent on the pitch, Tevez has a ton of baggage and seemingly doesn’t want to ditch any of it, so our fine club are dealing with this in the most proper manner in my opinion and will hopefully cash in on a very saleable asset, if not in January then surely in the summer and as much as we will no doubt miss his goals and work rate, there are better out there with much less issues and no doubt we will replace him with one and then move on quickly with our quest to be the #1 club in the world..........which has a real nice ring to it to someone who has been supporting this great club since the sixties and thought i had pretty much seen it seems i was wrong!!

Proud to be CTID !!

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