Cook Row

This is all to do with the mentality from the top cascading down to the terraces, well not top as in Boardroon but at Management level ie Moyes

As it is with his (Moyes) cronies; Sam A, Bruce, the Ireshireman in East Anglia etc, they all "cow tow" to the unofficial establishment ie "him" (you know to whom I refer) They are scared of upsetting the order "he" has created, as "he" has them all nicely under control and dancing to his tune. "He" is without doubt, clever, cunning and manipulative of of situations and of people who aren't smart enough to realise what's going on - because in the end "he" would trample on all of them as "he" has no loyalty to anyone other than himself

"He" exerts a subtle'ish control of people, and has the ability to coerce them to act and behave according to his siege mentality views for his own ends - he does this by demonstrating to them who the "real" enemies are ie. parts of the media, Us Arse, Liverpool, Chelsea, whilst making out that he is the victim and their friend - always available to take a call from them and offer some words of comfort / wisdom
The cronies' motivation is all about protecting their positions / status as highly respected operators just below the very top - but ambitious to break into the higher echelons, if only they had the chance, and / or the resources (money)
So they live in hope that by keeping on the right side of the order they are improving their prospects

All this manifests in the cronies creating a phoney war of words with those who threaten "him" believing this will please "him" As a result the supporters pick up on the message delivered by their leader and, like the sheep we all are, believe it to be the truth and blindly follow the party line - unfortunately that is human nature, resulting in illogical hatred, loathing and jealousy of clubs like ours.

Cll me paranoid by all means - but I'm right!
Going back to the thread, that the Blue Dippers have written (well ok got someone else to write) a letter of complaint, if I went to Goodison and gobbed off like this joker did I would be arrested by the dibble, taken to court fined and banned. Just becasue he is in the Directors box doesn't mean he can do and say what he wants. Cook was right to remind of this fact and the fact that he was a guest.

The sad scouse ba*tards should be apologising to Cook. They have no manners no class (and no money)
plongo said:
This is all to do with the mentality from the top cascading down to the terraces, well not top as in Boardroon but at Management level ie Moyes

As it is with his (Moyes) cronies; Sam A, Bruce, the Ireshireman in East Anglia etc, they all "cow tow" to the unofficial establishment ie "him" (you know to whom I refer) They are scared of upsetting the order "he" has created, as "he" has them all nicely under control and dancing to his tune. "He" is without doubt, clever, cunning and manipulative of of situations and of people who aren't smart enough to realise what's going on - because in the end "he" would trample on all of them as "he" has no loyalty to anyone other than himself

"He" exerts a subtle'ish control of people, and has the ability to coerce them to act and behave according to his siege mentality views for his own ends - he does this by demonstrating to them who the "real" enemies are ie. parts of the media, Us Arse, Liverpool, Chelsea, whilst making out that he is the victim and their friend - always available to take a call from them and offer some words of comfort / wisdom
The cronies' motivation is all about protecting their positions / status as highly respected operators just below the very top - but ambitious to break into the higher echelons, if only they had the chance, and / or the resources (money)
So they live in hope that by keeping on the right side of the order they are improving their prospects

All this manifests in the cronies creating a phoney war of words with those who threaten "him" believing this will please "him" As a result the supporters pick up on the message delivered by their leader and, like the sheep we all are, believe it to be the truth and blindly follow the party line - unfortunately that is human nature, resulting in illogical hatred, loathing and jealousy of clubs like ours.

Cll me paranoid by all means - but I'm right!

Very well said. 100% agree.
Clubber said:
Wrighty Wrexham said:
Yeah guess you are right!!

My mrs tried to help the situ by telling them that they wouldnt object to the same happening to them!!

Reply yeah but didnt like the way they treated Mark Hughes!!

Couldnt argue a great deal with that one as their are connections to both families and with Mark Hughes comming from Wrexham!!

Another thing they said on the way back was that the Everton fans were chanting "Ireland is Superman" when he was being substituted and that they could not believe there was a massive banner hanging in the stadium saying "Ireland is Superman"! Cringed abit at that one!!

Now Im not saying I want that banner down cos I dont want it affecting Irelands confidence anymore than it already is but do question whether it was put up a little early!!!

I think when Ireland gets the ball, he uses it really well still (He created that 50/50 chance for tevez when howard took him out). I just think, he doesn't see enough of the ball, as they seem to try and go out wide. Last year we played through him, and he saw a lot of the ball.

I have a horrid feeling we will sell him soon and someone is going to get a really good player and get the best out of him.
i was told it kicked of in the legends bar. the dipper was singing "all that money and won fuck all". he was asked to refrain from such language, but didnt like being told.

tough shit you scouse twat.
plongo said:
This is all to do with the mentality from the top cascading down to the terraces, well not top as in Boardroon but at Management level ie Moyes

As it is with his (Moyes) cronies; Sam A, Bruce, the Ireshireman in East Anglia etc, they all "cow tow" to the unofficial establishment ie "him" (you know to whom I refer) They are scared of upsetting the order "he" has created, as "he" has them all nicely under control and dancing to his tune. "He" is without doubt, clever, cunning and manipulative of of situations and of people who aren't smart enough to realise what's going on - because in the end "he" would trample on all of them as "he" has no loyalty to anyone other than himself

"He" exerts a subtle'ish control of people, and has the ability to coerce them to act and behave according to his siege mentality views for his own ends - he does this by demonstrating to them who the "real" enemies are ie. parts of the media, Us Arse, Liverpool, Chelsea, whilst making out that he is the victim and their friend - always available to take a call from them and offer some words of comfort / wisdom
The cronies' motivation is all about protecting their positions / status as highly respected operators just below the very top - but ambitious to break into the higher echelons, if only they had the chance, and / or the resources (money)
So they live in hope that by keeping on the right side of the order they are improving their prospects

All this manifests in the cronies creating a phoney war of words with those who threaten "him" believing this will please "him" As a result the supporters pick up on the message delivered by their leader and, like the sheep we all are, believe it to be the truth and blindly follow the party line - unfortunately that is human nature, resulting in illogical hatred, loathing and jealousy of clubs like ours.

Cll me paranoid by all means - but I'm right!

You do realise that Darth Vader and the force was a fictitious thing made up for a film ?
DontLookBackInAnger said:
TVI said:
There's no story here at all.

This bloke was acting like a tit, completely against the etiquette of a directors box, and was quite rightly told to sling it.
Can I ask, it that from reading reports, or from seeing the event?

Unfortunately no this is just from reports.

I can't quite afford the directors box so slum it down in the trenches : )
tevezblue said:
Clubber said:
I think when Ireland gets the ball, he uses it really well still (He created that 50/50 chance for tevez when howard took him out). I just think, he doesn't see enough of the ball, as they seem to try and go out wide. Last year we played through him, and he saw a lot of the ball.

I have a horrid feeling we will sell him soon and someone is going to get a really good player and get the best out of him.

I think that depends on what happens in the summer. I think he will bide his time and see who comes, and who goes. Players may come in who can suit Irelands play better, or maybe a player similar to him may come in and put pressure on him.

Either way, i hope he stay, as he is great passer of the ball, and he does have the ability and drive to become one of the best, and it also bodes well that he came through our youth set up, which is nice.

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