Cook Row

KentBlue said:
plongo said:
This is all to do with the mentality from the top cascading down to the terraces, well not top as in Boardroon but at Management level ie Moyes

As it is with his (Moyes) cronies; Sam A, Bruce, the Ireshireman in East Anglia etc, they all "cow tow" to the unofficial establishment ie "him" (you know to whom I refer) They are scared of upsetting the order "he" has created, as "he" has them all nicely under control and dancing to his tune. "He" is without doubt, clever, cunning and manipulative of of situations and of people who aren't smart enough to realise what's going on - because in the end "he" would trample on all of them as "he" has no loyalty to anyone other than himself

"He" exerts a subtle'ish control of people, and has the ability to coerce them to act and behave according to his siege mentality views for his own ends - he does this by demonstrating to them who the "real" enemies are ie. parts of the media, Us Arse, Liverpool, Chelsea, whilst making out that he is the victim and their friend - always available to take a call from them and offer some words of comfort / wisdom
The cronies' motivation is all about protecting their positions / status as highly respected operators just below the very top - but ambitious to break into the higher echelons, if only they had the chance, and / or the resources (money)
So they live in hope that by keeping on the right side of the order they are improving their prospects

All this manifests in the cronies creating a phoney war of words with those who threaten "him" believing this will please "him" As a result the supporters pick up on the message delivered by their leader and, like the sheep we all are, believe it to be the truth and blindly follow the party line - unfortunately that is human nature, resulting in illogical hatred, loathing and jealousy of clubs like ours.

Cll me paranoid by all means - but I'm right!

Very well said. 100% agree.


Well to be honest I couldn't quite pick up the full meaning of it due to some long words, but I do like his cut...

Starts from polititains and dwindles down to the common person, used throughout the world.
i would have been happy if cook had got the scouse twunt in a headlock and gave him donkey scrubs all the way out of the door.
what did he expect?
if he comes round our house acting a twat, he's going to get booted out, no matter how we'' 'respected' he is on mersyside.
The Guest will be one of those "I've got money and can say what want brigade"

He was right, he can outside the ground.
This guest does sound like an absolute twat and fair play to Cookie for saying it but really he shouldn't have to get involved in that kind of stuff
Everton fans are starting to make ordinary scousers look pretty classy.
I can't fucking wait for Garry Cook to get his P45... See where that irritating smirk is then. The man is intelligent, sure. He's a good businessman too but my god does he talk shit and embarrass the club. We're making enemies with him in charge and we can't be rid of him quick enough.
Xavvi said:
I can't fucking wait for Garry Cook to get his P45... See where that irritating smirk is then. The man is intelligent, sure. He's a good businessman too but my god does he talk shit and embarrass the club. We're making enemies with him in charge and we can't be rid of him quick enough.

IMHO I think it is you who is talking shite and fortunately you're not in a position to embarrass the club

BTW he's getting a contract extension
Balti said:
Everton fans are starting to make ordinary scousers look pretty classy.

They always did, if you ask me. They have always been a pissy little club and they are soooooooooooo jealous of us.
Xavvi said:
I can't fucking wait for Garry Cook to get his P45... See where that irritating smirk is then. The man is intelligent, sure. He's a good businessman too but my god does he talk shit and embarrass the club. We're making enemies with him in charge and we can't be rid of him quick enough.

agreed 100%. While I completely understand and support the dealing with a gobshite scouser by the club. WTF is Cook doing getting involved? Do we not have security and officials to deal with that type of clown in whatever section of the ground? Why Billy Big Spuds needs to get involved is anyone's guess. In fact, it was one gobshite attacking another buy all accounts.

I really can't wait to see the back of this clown, he really is the only bad egg left over from before ADUG bought the club. He's not clever in anyway, his constant own goals see to that.. He is the last thing a club like City with the money our owners have put into the club need. We need a classy measured figure who is respected in the game running City, not this talentless, classless fool.

Marketing genius? Uwe Rosler... The New York rant...

Please get rid.
kramer said:
Xavvi said:
I can't fucking wait for Garry Cook to get his P45... See where that irritating smirk is then. The man is intelligent, sure. He's a good businessman too but my god does he talk shit and embarrass the club. We're making enemies with him in charge and we can't be rid of him quick enough.

IMHO I think it is you who is talking shite and fortunately you're not in a position to embarrass the club

BTW he's getting a contract extension

Those stories have been leaked by Cook's people in an attempt to buy him more time at the club. Peter Kenyon will be our new CEO before long and Cook's on his last legs. Has been on thin ice ever since he ran his gob at Milan before screwing up the Terry deal.

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