Cook Row

Xavvi said:
kramer said:
IMHO I think it is you who is talking shite and fortunately you're not in a position to embarrass the club

BTW he's getting a contract extension

Those stories have been leaked by Cook's people in an attempt to buy him more time at the club. Peter Kenyon will be our new CEO before long and Cook's on his last legs. Has been on thin ice ever since he ran his gob at Milan before screwing up the Terry deal.
And Kenyon is a friend to everyone, fucking classic!
Xavvi said:
kramer said:
IMHO I think it is you who is talking shite and fortunately you're not in a position to embarrass the club

BTW he's getting a contract extension

Those stories have been leaked by Cook's people in an attempt to buy him more time at the club. Peter Kenyon will be our new CEO before long and Cook's on his last legs. Has been on thin ice ever since he ran his gob at Milan before screwing up the Terry deal.

Time will tell...............
DontLookBackInAnger said:
Xavvi said:
Those stories have been leaked by Cook's people in an attempt to buy him more time at the club. Peter Kenyon will be our new CEO before long and Cook's on his last legs. Has been on thin ice ever since he ran his gob at Milan before screwing up the Terry deal.
And Kenyon is a friend to everyone, fucking classic!

We've been negotiating with him for ages...

Hey, I don't like the cockney Rag twat. He's a smug one at the best of times but at least he keeps a relatively low profile.
Cook has gone up in my estimations. I hope he chinned the scouse gobshite who probably got what he deserved. What is it with some scousers, if they are not having a candlelit vigil for a chicken they are taking offence, typical "Im the victim here.." mentality. What me, Im a scouser, the bestest sense of humour in the WERLD
Xavvi said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
And Kenyon is a friend to everyone, fucking classic!

We've been negotiating with him for ages...

Hey, I don't like the cockney Rag twat. He's a smug one at the best of times but at least he keeps a relatively low profile.

How do you know ? What's your itk status ? Do you mean you've heard it on here so it's gospel ?

Do you have any conclusive proof or are you just spouting your usual bullshit and rehashing old rumours ?
Xavvi said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
And Kenyon is a friend to everyone, fucking classic!

We've been negotiating with him for ages...

Hey, I don't like the cockney Rag twat. He's a smug one at the best of times but at least he keeps a relatively low profile.

not that low, as everyone seems to know what he's upto, and what his situation is

I like cook, and think he is the right man for the job. Next year will be massive,on and off the field, and I for one can't wait.
Xavvi said:
DontLookBackInAnger said:
And Kenyon is a friend to everyone, fucking classic!

We've been negotiating with him for ages...

Hey, I don't like the cockney Rag twat. He's a smug one at the best of times but at least he keeps a relatively low profile.
It seems to me there are those in the media that really dislike Cook and are out to get him, while some people seem to get an easy ride, Cook always makes headlines(not that he doesn't put his foot in it). That being said if this person was chanting abuse as has been claimed, he should have been thrown out and Everton as a club should have the use of our executive area restricted for next season.
So a successful businessman who is well respected on Merseyside is demanding an apology and is prepared to take his grievance to Sheikh Mansour.. ! So fuckin what..! what a cock.

We've no reason to suck up to the twat, he's not even a paying customer so what's he gonna do if we tell him to fuck off apart from woman about it to some arse lickers at dinner parties..?
Makes me laugh the way folk with a few quid seem to think it means automatic respect.

Really hope we just Ignore the dick and ban him and his gold digging tart from the stadium.
stony said:
Xavvi said:
We've been negotiating with him for ages...

Hey, I don't like the cockney Rag twat. He's a smug one at the best of times but at least he keeps a relatively low profile.

How do you know ? What's your itk status ? Do you mean you've heard it on here so it's gospel ?

Do you have any conclusive proof or are you just spouting your usual bullshit and rehashing old rumours ?

I know because I have several good sources at several different clubs. Why should I have to prove anything to you? I'm just telling you what I've heard, yeah.

And no, I don't have conclusive proof but again, I don't need it. The word of some people who have got a lot of things right is more than enough for me.
Xavvi said:
stony said:
How do you know ? What's your itk status ? Do you mean you've heard it on here so it's gospel ?

Do you have any conclusive proof or are you just spouting your usual bullshit and rehashing old rumours ?

I know because I have several good sources at several different clubs. Why should I have to prove anything to you? I'm just telling you what I've heard, yeah.

And no, I don't have conclusive proof but again, I don't need it. The word of some people who have got a lot of things right is more than enough for me.


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