coronation street tonight

Anyone fancy an english .................

Well the writers appear determined to make a big issue out of it , probably a sign of the times and they know it'll get people everywhere talking about it ....... but the act itself certainly wasn't intentional , Paul was engrossed in the Darts match , and wasn't even aware that Lloyd had entered the pub.

And then to compound things Lloyd retaliates and calls Paul 'a racist' , which he took immediate umbrage too ....

apparently fireman Paul (Tony Hirst) leaves the street later this year , his contract is up , and it could well turn out to be something to do with this remark that fires his departure ....

years ago this issue would have been something and nothing , we all know that , but times have changed , and the Coronation Street writers know that controversial storylines will always keep viewers interested , even attracting many new ones who will want to see for themselves what 'all the fuss is about'.
Kun Aguero said:
Corro's shite. Emmerdale's where the real storys are at.

Yes , there's usually something interesting to watch in the Dales .....

It's a decent story line in my opinion. People are always up in arms that it's a boring programme with nothing going on. Issues such as this, when Hayley Cropper came in and stuff like that are put in to tackle issues. To be fair to Coro, they usually handle stuff well and have always lived by the rule that the bad guy will always get his comeuppance eventually.
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
I watched the episode and thought it was a load of fuss over nothing, however giving it further thought I can see it probably was.....

Reason? If playing a white man was being reasonable and honest it implies black people aren't I suppose, which is obviously nonsense.

In the 1980's one of the most popular TV shows on prime television was "Love thy neighbour" where Jack Smethurst used to refer to the guy next door as "That black nig nog" and it was considered funny...He in turn used to say "That white honkey"......There were very few complaints...


Different times......

I used to love that show, but it will never be on now
i seen this last night and have to admit i had to google the meaning of "play the white man"
and it some what puzzled me as to why it was deemed so racist especially in the situation that it was presented in corrie.

maybe some one could enlighten me on why its deemed so racist or someone would deem it so offensive?

would anybody else react as loyd did?
leewill31 said:
i seen this last night and have to admit i had to google the meaning of "play the white man"
and it some what puzzled me as to why it was deemed so racist especially in the situation that it was presented in corrie.

maybe some one could enlighten me on why its deemed so racist or someone would deem it so offensive?

would anybody else react as loyd did?

It's explained above in another post and quite frankly, if you don't understand why it's a saying deemed to be racist then I believe it may go over your head anyway.
leewill31 said:
i seen this last night and have to admit i had to google the meaning of "play the white man"
and it some what puzzled me as to why it was deemed so racist especially in the situation that it was presented in corrie.

maybe some one could enlighten me on why its deemed so racist or someone would deem it so offensive?

would anybody else react as loyd did?

The inference is that being a white man is being honest and virtuous. Whilst being non-white has connotations of being disingenious or underhand.

Could have been worse, they could have been talking about Craig Charles being accused of rape.

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