Bristol variant , Manchester variant. Scaremongering bollocks. Every virus will have thousands of variants, the press need to stop with this shit. If something crops up that means the vaccine won’t stop you getting very poorly hospitalised or dead then let’s hear it. Otherwise it’s putting the fear of Christ into people, it’s going to have a seriously debilitating effect on the mental wellbeing of this country. And we’ve already been battered senseless by that. Enough.
It’s to sell newspapers and get clicks, all the while making people feel like shit.
What we know is that the virus has been mutating thousands of times since last year, some people on this forum, who have had Covid, will have had different variants.
The ones we hear about are the ones scientists see significant differences in.
What we also know is that no variant has changed to the degree that it will evade the vaccine enough to produce severe illness, in anywhere near the amount of people it does now... and it very likely won’t.
Boris does need to shut the borders though as a precautionary but stating we’ll be in and out of lockdowns for years is pure pessimism and without scientific proof.
I don’t think it’s blind optimism to imagine the majority of this year looking like July last year, in terms of cases, deaths and restrictions.
The long term is more likely to be that: everything open, but limits on big crowds, social distancing, mask wearing indoors apart from at table for drinks/food, vaccinations once/twice a year and this for maybe a good number of months.