Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Kind of ironic isn't it?
This time last year the conspiracy nut jobs were being branded mad and insane for suggesting that covid passports would be needed for people to do stuff and now 13 months on it looks as though it's basically you have to get jabbed or else you are barred from society.
As it should be.
Personally I don't think holidays will be possible until 2022, unless your a celeb or a sportsmen or a politician.
Depends on variant vaccine development. They are an issue now because they threaten the route out but we don't know whether they represent a real path towards vaccine evasion, and they will decline in significance if another round of vaccines are produced which target them.

The problem is this doesn't happen overnight so now we are in a kind of limbo waiting for normality to return.
something i highlighted a couple of weeks ago and want to revisit;

why is the rate of hospitalisation/death for >85s now so high? if you look at the below, admissions to hospital for those 85+ are now roughly 100% of cases. This strikes me as very odd indeed. (Data is England only)

  • All are actual date of case/admission/death, but i am guessing that for 85+, admissions is very close behind test, a few days?
  • I suppose there are still x% of this age bracket not vaccinated through choice, but the case/admission ratio was never near 100%, even pre-vaccine
  • testing is not done as much in >85s unless they are clearly ill? (seems unlikely)
  • Does this data intimate that nearly all >85s are getting covid in hospital itself?

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Depends on variant vaccine development. They are an issue now because they threaten the route out but we don't know whether they represent a real path towards vaccine evasion, and they will decline in significance if another round of vaccines are produced which target them.

The problem is this doesn't happen overnight so now we are in a kind of limbo waiting for normality to return.
Kind of ironic isn't it?
This time last year the conspiracy nut jobs were being branded mad and insane for suggesting that covid passports would be needed for people to do stuff and now 13 months on it looks as though it's basically you have to get jabbed or else you are barred from society.
I keep hearing this one from the tin foil hat wearers but I don't recall any of them predicting Covid passports as far back as 12 months ago. It's only when it dragged on for months that they started coming out with it. And it's the fact that the pandemic has gone on longer than many expected, killed more people than many expected, and destroyed economies across the globe more than many expected that Covid passports have become a realistic proposition. If it came and went with minimal damage then they wouldn't be needed.

So the conspiracy theorists have (sort of) got one thing right. That's still one less thing than a stopped clock gets right every single day. Perhaps we'd be better off discussing all the things they've predicted that they've got wrong and will never happen. For starters, the notion that this is all part of ushering in a New World Order and reducing the global population by over 90% from 7.8 billion to 500 million. If that is indeed the plan, then they're not doing a very good job of killing that many people off because since Covid was declared a pandemic 12 months ago, far from the global population being reduced by billions, it's actually gone up by about 80 million in that time.
So one figure is down, one is up, and one is unchanged. Great figures still, and seems to me like it was much ado about nothing

Press release here.

The whole thing becomes even weirder - final results with 190 events gives efficacy point estimate of 76% with 68-82% confidence interval.

"Misleading" interim results gave efficacy point estimate of 79% with 149 events- well within the final confidence interval.

So why the hell did:

1) AZ publish the press release based on interim when they were apparently told not to by the monitoring board, and had the full results just two days later anyway? Why not just wait 48 hours?

2) The monitoring board go completely nuts over a difference of no significance whatever?

Bizarre episode.

Great data.
I think Bojo and Raab have been clever by not getting drawn into criticising EU political leaders (the EU medicines regulator has consistently supported the Oxford / AZ vaccine). “Give peole enough rope.......”
The last two years should have shown everyone that politicians are inept. Public engagement with political parties will decline still futher.
something i highlighted a couple of weeks ago and want to revisit;

why is the rate of hospitalisation/death for >85s now so high? if you look at the below, admissions to hospital for those 85+ are now roughly 100% of cases. This strikes me as very odd indeed. (Data is England only)

  • All are date of case/admission/death, but i am guessing that for 85+, admissions is very close behind test, a few days?
  • I suppose there are still x% of this age bracket not vaccinated through choice, but the case/admission ratio was never near 100%, even pre-vaccine
  • testing is down in >85s unless they are clearly ill? (seems unlikely)
  • Does this data intimate that nearly all >85s are getting covid in hospital itself?

View attachment 13118
Maybe the health system can now accept cases where patients are over 85+ ?
The last two years should have shown everyone that politicians are inept. Public engagement with political parties will decline still futher.

Maybe the health system can now accept cases where patients are over 85+ ?

this is a good thought - a dark one but a good one. but 100% of cases? remarkable. considering the vaccine efficacy
something i highlighted a couple of weeks ago and want to revisit;

why is the rate of hospitalisation/death for >85s now so high? if you look at the below, admissions to hospital for those 85+ are now roughly 100% of cases. This strikes me as very odd indeed. (Data is England only)

  • All are actual date of case/admission/death, but i am guessing that for 85+, admissions is very close behind test, a few days?
  • I suppose there are still x% of this age bracket not vaccinated through choice, but the case/admission ratio was never near 100%, even pre-vaccine
  • testing is not done as much in >85s unless they are clearly ill? (seems unlikely)
  • Does this data intimate that nearly all >85s are getting covid in hospital itself?

View attachment 13118

Hard to rationalise that.

Is the data all day of sample/admission/death, or day of reporting?
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