Seems to be a bit down on here.
Taking the wider perspective though, I think we should be very optimistic.
A football analogy. We've just lost the derby, so everyone's completely pissed off. But remember, we're still 11 points clear, and in all three cups.
1. Nov 7th 2020. No vaccines known to be effective. No clear way out at all. Deaths rising inexorably.
2. Jan 4th, cases exponentially rising. Over 1000 deaths a day, and a new variant which scientists were unsure if even a hard lockdown could control. Confused tier system.
Let's look at where things stand now.
1. Six (six!!!) vaccines proved effective. Thirty million people in UK received a dose. Europe looks set to catch up too.
2. Lockdown has crushed the virus. Deaths down to tens daily. Cases down to single digit thousands. Both continuing to drop.
3. Schools back. Outdoor mixing back (saw my parents for first time in months yesterday). Pubs next week, at least outdoors.
4. One of the vaccines is associated with a tiny number of severe side effects - the worst case of which is less deaths in total than every ten minutes in January, to put in context.
5. Scientists expect a further wave at some point, the size and timing of which is very uncertain. However, we know vaccination will stop it being so rapid as previously, we have testing in place to monitor, and we know how to respond to control it if necessary.
6. There will be fans for league and FA cup finals. Even if not me as a mere Cityzen.
We've got this, we just need to keep at it.