Again V Friday
Bolton 11, 540 - UP from 10, 494 - this fits the increasing Pop Number in Bolton which I have been mentioning each evening as it is a bit disappointing, Though Bolton still the lowest in GM. With Bury hunting it down.
Bury 5806 - DOWN big from 15, 503 - hopefully Zoe have fixed that obvious anomaly with Bury data as it was never truly near those previous numbers and this seems more right,
Manchester 12, 677 - UP from 11, 930 - fairly flat that matches the data
Oldham - 4790 - UP from 4007 - these numbers seem low for Oldham' real cases but they did fall a lot yesterday so....
Rochdale 4894 - DOWN from 7489 - much the same as Oldham applies
Salford 18, 996 - UP from 14, 604 - Now the highest in the NW btw. And it is still a problem in the real data with cases and Pop Score shooting up,
Stockport 7106 - DOWN from 7428 - but still higher than it was which fits the real data. OK but no cigar,
Tameside 5978 - UP from 5938 - flat and that makes sense too
Trafford 13, 560 - UP - biggest riser from 7459 - and you cannot argue with that given Trafford's bad daily numbers in the cases.
Wigan 12, 993 - UP from 10, 410 - seems about right as it has certainly been clocking large case numbers.
Elsewhere in the NW St Helens is at 14, 372 - above all bar Salford in GM
Liverpool is on 12, 867 and has been around those numbers - much like Manchester's - for a while.
N Ireland still tops out in the darkest red all alone - but has fallen from 2665 to 2437
Scotland next in the second tier watch zone - also down from 1108 to 1073
NE & Yorkshire is the highest England region - and UP from 957 to 986 - matching real reported daily cases which yesterday from these two regions (Zoe treats them as one) were 6478 versus the 4758 for the North West,
North WEst on Zoe falls from 823 to 822 - so really flat not falling as such,
London is the only other watch area and also down from 747 to 722 - MUCH closer to the North West than it has been for weeks - again as in real life data:- yesterday NW had 4758 cases v London 4131 - closest they have been in this Delta wave.