Coronavirus (2021) thread

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simplest way to put this. If everyone gets vaccinated before an immunity skipping variant appears we have a good chance to killing COVID outright. Properly consign it to the history books ala small pox.

by not vaccinating yourself you are directly contributing to the continuation of this virus.
Spot on. Anti-vaxers will clearly disagree though.
Show us the evidence that every single person in the uk needs to be vaccinated to stop a variant.

secondly, tell us how and when every person in the world will be vaccinated.

third, I am not anti-vax. I believe it works unlike some.
Most need to be vaccinated. If not a pool of people allow a variant to become endemic.
Bloody obvious actually.
simplest way to put this. If everyone gets vaccinated before an immunity skipping variant appears we have a good chance to killing COVID outright. Properly consign it to the history books ala small pox.

by not vaccinating yourself you are directly contributing to the continuation of this virus.
Unless you’ve had a confirmed case of the virus, in which case you don’t only need to not be vaccinated you are better protected than a vaccinated person. It’s yet another thing that’s missing from the government messaging…….
read my edit. In this county it’s worse due to a fair whack being vaccinated. It’s a total variant factory.

either ways. Not getting vaccinated is a dick move in my eyes, it prolongs the time to herd immunity which those who can’t vaccinate rely on and causes the risks of the variant factory creating something!

vaccination is a civil responsibility.

on a side note once we are at herd immunity we should be giving away as many vaccines as we can produce to poor countries to help them save life’s and get them up to speed
Indonesia and places with high infection rates and low vaccination rates are a variant factory - not the UK.
why do you think that exactly? Vaccines and immunity don’t stop you catching it or spreading it agreed but the significant reductions in transmission can get us to herd immunity.

our main concern right now has to be Beta variant mind you. Seems like AZ has issues with that which does open up a fair few people and Is a big hit to potential herd immunity levels.
We don't have immunity to Influenza because of yearly variants. C19 seems a lot more serious. Years of data will be needed to find out where we stand. I'm classed as a vulnerable person and remain positive about the future but not the present.
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