Coronavirus (2021) thread

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Really good thread showing the figures on hospitalisation and vaccinating.

Doing the maths, the tweets say being fully vaccinated makes you 10 to 12x less likely to be hospitalised.

Which is what I expected, I guess. Slightly lower than the figures initially quoted for vaccine effectiveness, but as we are dealing with a novel variant, that is more than acceptable.

I read a reputable source the other week stating that 4 out of 10 younger patients hospitalised in this wave are reckoned to suffer long term damage to their lungs.

Lads... FFS. Your lungs. And that's only one of the dozens of horrible long term effects survivors of COVID report.

Reduce the chances of this happening to you by 90%.

Get your jabs.
You can’t have it both ways.
You can’t be wetting your pants over a few people not wanting it in the uk whilst at the same time perfectly happy with not everyone in the world having it.

read my edit. In this county it’s worse due to a fair whack being vaccinated. It’s a total variant factory.

either ways. Not getting vaccinated is a dick move in my eyes, it prolongs the time to herd immunity which those who can’t vaccinate rely on and causes the risks of the variant factory creating something!

vaccination is a civil responsibility.

on a side note once we are at herd immunity we should be giving away as many vaccines as we can produce to poor countries to help them save life’s and get them up to speed
Herd immunity is not going to happen. False hope slogan for the plebs out there.

why do you think that exactly? Vaccines and immunity don’t stop you catching it or spreading it agreed but the significant reductions in transmission can get us to herd immunity.

our main concern right now has to be Beta variant mind you. Seems like AZ has issues with that which does open up a fair few people and Is a big hit to potential herd immunity levels.
Which is just one reason why not even offering it to 12-17yos is unfathomable.
It'll happen. Like a few other things. Currently, you put them in the room, some people go nuts, many other people are in the category of 'don't know if it's really neccessary to tell them to do one?'.

Over the next few months, a little bit at a time, they will start appearing in the room. By Feb next year, vaccine passports for loads of shit, all over 12s done, 2/3 jabs a year for the forseeable, long term advice on new expectations in terms of hygeine and social practices.

Otherwise, we will be doing this, or worse, every fucking year, for the rest of our lives.
A guy I went to school with who preaches organic only diet has started spouting anti-vaccination bollocks.

Quote “if only you knew what they put in those vaccines” as if a fucking pub worker from rural Lincolnshire who achieved the total of 3 GCSE’s and spells guinea pigs “guni pigs” is going to know the contents of a vaccine that 2 billion are apparently blind to see. What a prize wanker.
A guy I went to school with who preaches organic only diet has started spouting anti-vaccination bollocks.

Quote “if only you knew what they put in those vaccines” as if a fucking pub worker from rural Lincolnshire who achieved the total of 3 GCSE’s and spells guinea pigs “guni pigs” is going to know the contents of a vaccine that 2 billion are apparently blind to see. What a prize wanker.
hahahaha, guni pigs

This is the point. There are reasonable debates on the issue of vaccination. But at the moment, people who want to raise issues are effectively going to lump in with braindead adults who are motivated by unresolved issues from their childhood.

Someone said to me the other day, the way to think of it is that Life has been soft on them in that regard. In previous eras, they might have had no choice but to comply, as we were a lot less liberal back then. And the price of not complying, or even not understanding the world and being suspicious of people trying to do essential work could have meant death or poverty. But humans have succeeded in many fields, and in the process, we've learned how to make life easy, hard to really screw up, no matter how ridiculous your attitude is. It gives people false confidence.

Boy oh boy. That's pretty much the summation of all the efforts in social psychological political theory of the twentieth century - liberal democracy, capitalism, meritocracy, liberalism... telling people over and over again - they are the thing, it's all about them, what they think matters, they know best what's good for them.

And now, we're in trouble, because they believe it. Can't tell them anything! Getting round that is going to have to be a gentle process. Softly softly, lobotomise angry monkey. But only so they can have the essential, safe, trivial, painless treatment, and live happily ever after.
Can anyone find that Twitter page of the anti vaccine girl (think she was a doctor) spreading it’s all a conspiracy- and then she caught it ?
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