Predicted cases are
UP FROM 46, 300 TO 47, 945 - a rise of of 1645 UP FROM a rise of 1219 & 622 & 719 in the days before.
It WAS 45, 889 last week - a RISE week to week of 2056
Ongoing symptomatic cases also more happily FALL after a big rise yesterday.
FROM 669, 252 TO 665 , 763 - A FALL of 3489 after a RISE of 14, 718 following FALLS of 3973 yesterday and falls of 3256, 7276, 10, 561, 1392, 5951,4129, 4595. in past week.
Though this is still 11K UP on two days ago.
IT WAS 680, 992 last week. A weekly fall of 15, 229 - lower than yesterdays week to week fall of 17, 691 and WAY down from the falls of 36, 638 and 37, 160 wk to wk in preious two days.
There is always a lag to the change in ongoing cases after a rise or fall in daily case numbers as ongoing cases persist and are not just counted on the day of first report.