You can't be arsed reading the sources, so I can't be arsed explaining it to you.
People like you are quite amusing. I'm not scared of COVID. I'm double jabbed, young and healthy. I realise I'm not going to die from it, and there's a very low chance I'll get severely ill. What I am aware of though, is that there are plenty of people who are vulnerable and will die despite taking all the precautions they can. So I try not to be a selfish idiot and do minimal things like work from home (because I can) and wear a mask when in certain settings (like on a tram). I don't think that's asking a lot.
The reason people like you are funny is because of how short-sighted you are. You presumably want your freedoms (going to the matches, going to the pubs etc)? So are you so blind that you can't see the way things are going? The people running the NHS are literally pleading for help from the government now in October - what do you think is going to happen around Christmas? Do you think everything will magically get better?
Asking people to wear masks now will help the situation and will mean we can still do the things we enjoy doing. Going down the 'no-masks' route means there's a greater chance the NHS becomes overwhelmed and we need to impose more severe measures to stop the spread of COVID and the seasonal flu. So, either wear a mask and do your bit, or don't complain when restrictions return.