Lowest uptake for jabs are black Caribbean and some Asian communities (not all though and not uniform across the country) and then the poorest members of society. Just rocking up at the Etihad when you are working 4 jobs just to eat and have some warmth isn’t as easy as some people think it is, especially if that involves time off work and a bus fare or two.
This is backed up by the official statistics that I was just reading.
In particular, it's true that people in private rented accommodation are less likely to be vaccinated than those in social housing. I imagine that comes down to poor people living Homes of multiple occupation working 40 hours +, many won't have transport.
Two essentials as I understood it going into this winter were to get the vulnerable boosted, and increase the baseline numbers in the urban areas amongst 20 to 40 sths.
S'why I'm not fussed about a million jabs a day. Boosters need doing for everyone, but I hope it doesn't detract from the effort to to get the elderly done ASAP, and also getting into areas and age groups lagging behind long term.
I'm not a fan of Vaccine Passports for a lot of reasons - but at this stage it looks like probably the quickest way to get 20-40 sths on board - they are mad on going out to events.
We probably should have had this conversation after the summer, but it all got shelved for political reasons. Some say the secret backstop was that by letting the don't wanna knows in the 20-50 group carry on like everything was ok, they'd mix like fuck and get infected in the summer/autumn, giving a level of community resistance which would last the winter.
Omicron appears to mean that community resistance means less. Possibly much, much less. Hence panic stations. Little doubt for me they keep accidentally overstating Omicron numbers to create a minor stampede. Aside from being a cowards way of handling not getting the job done back then - and the work of a professional drama queen - I worry that it misses the mark, and taking all social and health resources and applying them to such a simple minded approach will hurt big time in general health.
But it's probably better than the country fully sleepwalking into the winter and beyond.