Coronavirus (2021) thread

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ONS Weekly report...
The Zoe number for ongoing cases matches very well the ONS numbers. EVen though they are from last week.

Oh - and another bit of news the media may or may not notice:

Yesterday's record of 106,122 is actually NOT what the total was.

Scotland today discovered a whopping 3533 cases went missing yesterday (as they suspected as the number was so low and did say then that they were investigating). They have NOT added it on today - just to the collective total. As they had 6215 cases already today without the missing numbers!

But as they should have been added yesterday the true number then was 109.655

I assume Gov UK will correct and point this out to the press but just in case not.
Waiting on PCR results now (after positive LFT). Mum's waiting on hers too (after positive LFT).

My auntie has tested positive today too (PCR), different household (was due to go there for New Years Eve).

All of us triple jabbed, I'm least affected by it, they have bad flu-like symptoms. More affected by the tonsilitis I have (probably caused by the virus) which the antibiotics have just kicked in for.

Think the infection figures are going to be massive over the next week.
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Waiting on PCR results now (after positive LFT). Mum's waiting on hers too (after positive LFT).

My auntie has tested positive today too (PCR).

Think the infection figures are going to be massive over the next week.
My wife got tested yesterday morning at the Etihad. Results took 20 hours to come through.
Tested positive yesterday on an LFT and again this morning.

I went for a PCR at Etihad yesterday around 11.40 but yet to hear back. Agonising having to wait (although the writing is on the wall).

Right before Christmas too. Wounded.
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