Coronavirus (2021) thread

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I agree. I actually suggested that in here before last Christmas as a way to try to stop over mixing. Promise a 'thanksgiving' holiday when it was safe to do so and say it was to thank people for protecting the NHS by being sensible over Christmas.

A carrot not a stick usually works best. But no surprise it was never proposed by politicians.
Makes sense for businesses too.
That’s not the advice. If you are negative for 2 days on day 7, then isolation is up.

I think I was inaccurate there, it's this part of the advice I was trying to allude to that would probably make most think twice:

"Those who leave self-isolation on or after day 7 are strongly advised to limit close contact with other people in crowded or poorly ventilated spaces, work from home and minimise contact with anyone who is at higher risk of severe illness if infected with COVID- 19."

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People hospitalised with Covid who are unvaccinated at my daughter's hospital = 73%.
Similar numbers across the rest of West Midlands hospitals apparantly.
Shakes head.
Natural Selection at work

Meanwhile routine but important care is being put on the back burner, lives being saved in the unvaccinated community in at the expense of others who have done and are doing their bit for not just themselves but everyone else. Nah, doesn't sit right - not one bit.
Brexit was the starter, covid was the main. It was only a few years ago but already life seemed simpler before they both came along.
It’s the explosion of social media mate. So much misinformation about on there that is very convincing from people who - on the outset - seem like very convincing people who entice you in and make you think that you should listen to them go against the grain.

Any big topic in the social media age is going to be like this.
Makes sense for businesses too.
I think it is a sound idea. You should promote it on social media. I stay away from there but it is where these things can be made to take off. Maybe Boris will be desperate for anything that looks like he is giving people and businesses something good by then. And you are right it makes economic sense. Could even be an annual event when this pandemic is over. Thanksgivng for that makes every bit as much sense as the reason the US have that weekend in November. Bonding with others around them (native americans helping the settlers) who saw them through a bitter Winter crisis. Hence why I suggested calling it Thanksgiving as it is not dissimilar thanking the NHS for getting us through this winter crisis last year and this.
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