Coronavirus (2021) thread

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There will always be other jobs, but there will only ever be one of you.

It's as serious as it gets if it takes a hold of a person in the wrong way.

I'd urge you to get up every day, don't lie in bed. I got up same time as normal, sat upright on sofa with a sleeping bag to keep me warm.

Half the battle was positive mindset and feel lying in bed does nothing but emphasise how bad you are feeling.

My wife brought me loads of hot water to drink, hydrating is absolutely key, as I was constantly pissing out water via my temps or the antibiotics.

Much as this has shaken me to the core, it has also done me a massive favour. I put my business of 30 years into liquidation just a couple of weeks before I picked up Covid in December.

My wife and young kids saw their dad physically vulnerable for the first time in their lives, it has scared the shit out of me and them.

I've always struggled to live in the moment and day-dreamed my life of surely better things to come, failing to appreciate my efforts and successes along the way.

No longer. I have everything I need, more than many people, with a much more chilled outlook on things.

Get yourself well. Covid has shown that no matter how much you plan your life, you can't control everything.
Sounds like a wonderful outlook mate and I sincerely hope you’re fully needed sooner rather than later.

Some brilliant tips there Tolm. I’ll speak with work in the morning (and they’ve been absolutely wonderful in all fairness, but I get the impression they really care about the staff’s wellbeing).

I’ve had my window open all afternoon and although it’s made it a tad chilly I’m appreciating the fresh air).
Had a coughing fit & nearly fainted

I did in fact get up at the usual time last week but the last couple of days have completely sunk me.

Tea tastes like hot water atm so I may as well save on the bags.

Good luck with it all & keep us posted.
Just read on Sky News that a person is currently being admitted to hospital with COVID19 every 30 seconds here in the UK.

Then read another article entitled ‘Some restrictions will be gone by spring’.

Can’t see it myself.
The drop in cases and hospitalisation in Israel now they have got to 25% of the population having had at least one jab is heartening. I think we should be able to return to tier 2 restrictions by the end of April once those at risk have had there 2nd jab.
Yes this will let it have a controlled rip through the rest of society but if people have been vaccinated or infected, the virus will have no where to go and the quicker it is done the less chance for mutation there is.
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Parents both got their invites yesterday. Booked them both in online for saturday. Luckily got appointments 5 mins apart.
The nearest vacc centre is 5 miles away, despite them being within walking distance of their local gp.
I suppose it's not practical to clog up the surgery with loads of people, so it's understandable.
Not complaining, i'm grateful they are getting it.
Huge weight off.
Despite all the awful things that have happened in the last year or so, we still have a lot to be thankful for.
Hopefully deaths will peak in the next week or so - looks like infections peaked early Jan - as you'd expect from tier 4 in London late Dec, lock down everywhere 5th Jan.

Everything is going roughly as would be expected. Just need to keep in that way for at least three months...
Tier 4 in London and much of the southeast was 20th Dec, with a slight increase in area on 26th.
The cases drop is good news. That barely lags. I think we can say that deaths on Tue and Wed may not be higher than Fri/Sat.
There are certainly promising signs and even if today's drop in cases is due to lower testing partly (can be so at weekends) some of it is very clearly a real fall now as the Christmas barm fest impact is over and restrictions are starting to help.

As I have been noting from the daily England hospital death figures - the largest contributor every day so the best day to day guide we have of movement as we get day to day totals too there are hints the plateau is close.

So I would not be surprised to see a peak there in the next week either.

That would always be the final thing to change.

The North West was the last place to really start to be impacted by the new variant before lockdown and it seems that has helped minimise the increase getting near to that in London and the South.

Right now I would agree there are grounds for optimism - not even counting that we are likely not yet seeing much if any impact from the vaccine programme. But hopefully should soon.
The drop in casea and deaths in Israel now they have got to 25% of the population having had at least one jab is heartening. I think we should be able to return to tier 2 restrictions by the end of April.
From what I've read, it's still too early to judge if this is the vaccines having an effect or the timing of their lockdown. Their drop in numbers are tying in with what happened in their 2nd wave timing wise so a good chance it's lockdown related, hopefully the near future will bring some good news on their vaccine front.
The most recent Sunday totals were: (with pillar 1 & 2 tests done then)

20 Dec 35, 928 /// Tests 429, 593

27 Dec 30, 501 /// Tests 269, 877 (Boxing day testing data hence low numbers)

3 Jan 54, 990 /// Tests 410, 351

10 Jan 54, 940 ///Tests 528, 011

17 Jan 38, 598 /// ?????????
Another week or so and we'll be at the level that this lockdown should have started....there should be some serious repercussions when this is all over/fully under control.
Greater Manchester highlights:

A fall of 229 cases but the NW fell as a region by 820 - so again this was a bit of a higher % of the total than other parts of the region - such as Merseyside and East Lancashire and Cheshire - as they fell a little more.

So the % of the NW rose very slightly again to 30.3%. It has been rising for a week now but as GM has been falling overall too just falling by a little less than areas at much higher levels like Merseyside and so that had further to drop.

As a result the increase has been minor - from 29.3 to 30,3% of NW total in a week. This is still WAY below the 53% GM was at in October when it was put in higher measures than Merseyside as it was then clearly the driver of the problems in the region along with East Lancashire.

Stockport - if anyone was worrying - had a better day and fell a lot. As did many places. Bury is today's only riser to more than Stockport had today.

Everyone else down and four boroughs even got below 100 today and only Manchester over 200.

Full report later - but a drop of almost a third on last Sunday so most places will have improved on what have been increasing pop scores lately with their better week to week numbers today. Even Bury - the only riser - is only 5 cases up on this day last week so not much damage there.
Vaccinations 25k down on Friday.

DateSorted column (descending) - Apply ascending sort.United Kingdom 1st dose dailyUnsorted column - Apply ascending sort.United Kingdom 2nd dose dailyUnsorted column - Apply ascending sort.United Kingdom 1st dose totalUnsorted column - Apply ascending sort.United Kingdom 2nd dose totalUnsorted column - Apply ascending sort.
10-01-2021N/AData not currently available for this metric.N/AData not currently available for this metric.2,286,572391,399
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