Coronavirus (2021) thread

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"Frankly, if you're not vaccinated at the moment and you're eligible and you've got no health reason for not being vaccinated, you're not just irresponsible, you're an idiot. "I'm sorry. Truthfully you are."

Tony Blair not mincing his words today
He's such a cock is Tony Blair, rather take advice off Lionel Blair
The best way to get Anti vaxxers to vaccinate it to sell them a vaccine as some sort of Anti Vaccine Vaccine ;)
I know people who’ve turned vegan solely based on the three-man experiment they did on that Game Changers documentary on Netflix that said you have longer lasting and bigger hard-ons if you eat a vegan diet.

Since all it’s taken for many people to sceptical of the vaccine has been having some disgraced scientist come out and tell us that he’s looked into the vaccine and x/y/z is wrong with it, we just need someone to come out and say they’ve tested the vaccine and found it makes your hard-on last a bit longer, and everyone will get it.
Cases rising but nowhere near as fast as they said they would. Which is a good thing.

Warning real figures for the UK coming up!

If you don't want positive news look away now and stick to the news and the SAGE modellers!

At the start of Nov we had 30000 cases, two weeks later that had risen by 25% to 40000 then 50000 two weeks thereafter and we hit 60000 just over a week ago.

So a week ago we had twice as many cases as we did 6 weeks before,

And Yet!

Throughout that period of big case rises, hospitalisations fell from about 1000 a day to between 800 and 900 a day

People in Hospital also fell over that time by about 1000. despite a recent slight rise.

Deaths have also been gradually falling since the beginning of Nov. average 170 a day then, now they are 112 a day.

And since the start of Nov We have many more people vaccinated including boosters.

Still early days for winter but all pretty positive I would say.
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Where is the London surge in hospitalisations. They are coming in in tens not hundreds. We are yet to really see the explosive growth in London infection hit the hsopitals but we're close to that point. See London infection rate for that. I think it was the 12th Dec when specimen date shoots up. 8 days on from then in the data where is the surge? We're seeing an uplift but nothing dramatic in my eyes. Perhaps too soon but London hospitalisation data is compeltely key. Hoepfully BBC 10 O'clock news will have some in depth analysis on this but I doubt it. This is the red flag in my book. It either waves or it doesn't. It isn't waving at the moment.

I posted exactly this as good news yesterday. Some part of it will be hospital acquired or incidental too.
I posted exactly this as good news yesterday. Some part of it will be hospital acquired or incidental too.
Good. I am glad you regard this as good news too. it seems we are all on the same page then. Watch the London hospitalisation data. That is our early warning system. We're all in agreement as to what the current data says. 301 admissions as per 20th Dec and rising but not alarmingly so.

I'm also interested to know when the cases will peak in London. it's not just the daily admissions that count but also how severe they are, and for how long they persist.
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