Coronavirus (2022) thread

I was chatting to a guy recently who had been match commander for hundreds of matches over the years and these medical incidents have always happened so many times you wouldn’t believe. However, the difference now is they stop the game every time and so everyone thinks it’s a sudden new phenomenon simply because attention is now drawn to it every time.
There was an incident in 142 at the end of the Chelsea game , not sure what happened but there was someone on the floor being attended to by a couple of first aides/medics.
Haven't seen it reported anywhere.
346 all settings deaths - was 359 last week

102,292 cases - up 7966 on yesterday from 94,326 & down 5777 from 108,069 last week

Based on the N Ireland data the biggest group testing positive there is aged 5 to 9. About 8 times as many in that age range as for those over 70 years testing postive in the past week 5489 V 721

Why cases are not translating into high hospital numbers and ventilators are falling. They are down to just 17 in Northern Ireland today. Not been lower since last July.
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I was chatting to a guy recently who had been match commander for hundreds of matches over the years and these medical incidents have always happened so many times you wouldn’t believe. However, the difference now is they stop the game every time and so everyone thinks it’s a sudden new phenomenon simply because attention is now drawn to it every time.
Thanks. That makes a lot of sense.
lots of people have had Covid which scars the heart. There’s gonna be a lot of issues for a while.
This was my point in the original argument.

The fact is we know COVID can damage the heart long-term. We also have billions of people vaccinated with no evidence that it leads to a higher risk of heart attacks. Yet, they're so brainwashed by anti-vax theories that they immediately miss-connect the dots and blame the vaccine.

The funniest part is I got called a sheep for 'believing everything I'm told (yes, they meant the scientific facts) about the vaccine'.... ycnmiu. Clearly a crack-head with a youtube channel is a better source of information than the WHO.
lots of people have had Covid which scars the heart. There’s gonna be a lot of issues for a while.

Add to this the fact that football games are quite emotive, often stressful experiences. Reckon you're a lot more likely to see your blood pressure go up at a game then you are at home doing the washing for example! Can see why they happen at games, and if we've got a populace with weakened hearts due to widespread infection, plus the new rules that games have to stop... well its gonna feel very visible.
England hospital numbers today.

Admissions (Monday - always 48 hr behind the other numbers) 1593 - down from 1808 last week and 2180 two weeks ago.

Patients (today) down just 140 to 13,948 - would have been bigger but the good falls in other regions were not matched in the North West which went up by 71.

First sign of the steady falls slowing down after the recent stall in case numbers falling.

But ventilators fall once again to 493. Lowest since 15 July.

On this day last year England had 3634 on ventilators if you want to see the stark difference between then and now due to both the vaccines and Omicron's less dangerous nature.

These are just the key numbers. All the rest of the data will be on the other thread.
I was chatting to a guy recently who had been match commander for hundreds of matches over the years and these medical incidents have always happened so many times you wouldn’t believe. However, the difference now is they stop the game every time and so everyone thinks it’s a sudden new phenomenon simply because attention is now drawn to it every time.

This is how I remember it too, you used to see little notes at the end of a match report about a fan sadly passing away during the game, or the twitter account would post an all clear type message after the game.

IIRC a season or two ago, there was one of these medical incidents near the dugouts and a player and the fans attracted the attention of the club doctors, which then caused the game to stop.

And now, whenever it happens, the fans yell for the game to be stopped.

I heard at the game on the weekend that the club staff aren't actually going any more, they leave it to the St Johns Ambulance people, so I think as people realise this, it will fade out again.
Five weeks since I had covid and I've developed pretty annoying tinnitus. Lovely. Can't shake the pressure feeling in my ears either. Feels like they need to pop constantly. Anyone else have this experience? Driving me mad.
Try some steam breathing to see if it's a sinus issue - inner ear not draining.

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