Coronavirus (2022) thread

Well I’ve never been as poorly in many many years as I am currently. Barely moved out of bed for nearly 48 hours, did a covid test this morning for once expecting it to be positive, of course it‘s negative, lol.

Just weird, I’m more ill than both times I’ve had covid put together, I know loads with covid yet I’ve not got it. I do wonder if because I had omicron at Xmas that you sort of catch it but don’t, if that makes sense?

Closest thing to flu I’ve had in 20 years, tried to get out of bed for a piddle earlier and it was practically impossible.
I had this. I got covid before christmas then about a month later I couldn't get out of bed for a couple of days and it took almost a week before I felt like doing anything. I wondered if it was a post-viral reaction or something. I know a bloke I bump into walking the dog and he had the same. Been fine for a few weeks now until catching a head cold this week but no other symptoms. Hoping it's behind me now.
Hope you feel better soon.
ONS out today.

All time record infections in Scotland, Wales and very close to record in England. NI past the peak.

Given the changes in testing, this is the only reliable measure of infections in the UK.
It is a week behind though. Zoe is showng signs of a tail off which is hopefuly showing we are near the peak

I have posted a lot of data on the other thread including todays Zoe graph with pushing 350,000 new cases tday - a new record - as it has been every day for a while now. It has just under 4 million with ongoing Covid cases today too - also a record.

Patients are still rising but ventilators remain around 300 or so - far below where they were in past waves. Hence people are not getting as sick or dying as often despite the record Covid levels.
It is a week behind though. Zoe is showng signs of a tail off which is hopefuly showing we are near the peak

I have posted a lot of data on the other thread including todays Zoe graph with pushing 350,000 new cases tday - a new record - as it has been every day for a while now. It has just under 4 million with ongoing Covid cases today too - also a record.

Patients are still rising but ventilators remain around 300 or so - far below where they were in past waves. Hence people are not getting as sick or dying as often despite the record Covid levels.

Absolutely agree re severity. Also very interesting study out yesterday re vaccine effectiveness vs hospitalisation which takes account of incidental infections and shows much less waning over time as a result. Which is very good news. I'll post a link.

On lag- yes - given the rate of change and level in the ons it's very likely levels today are at an all time UK high.

I lost confidence in Zoe a long time ago as any kind of accurate assessment. Maybe indicative of trends.
I had this. I got covid before christmas then about a month later I couldn't get out of bed for a couple of days and it took almost a week before I felt like doing anything. I wondered if it was a post-viral reaction or something. I know a bloke I bump into walking the dog and he had the same. Been fine for a few weeks now until catching a head cold this week but no other symptoms. Hoping it's behind me now.
Hope you feel better soon.

I suspect that there are a few nasties going around and all of us spending 2 years being careful has left us uniquely open to an infection be it a germ or viral and its effects. I had Covid a year ago and 8 weeks ago I got a chesty cough and getting more and more congested and just tired out. Kept testing and there was no dreaded return of the Rona's taking place - in the end been to the doc's because I was just going upstairs and I couldn't breathe and the heart was pounding - been put on a course of anti-biotics and I can feel an improvement already
The more people that get it now will hopefully mean less catch it in winter,so it’s probably a positive for the country to have all these cases as long as the NHS can cope and deaths don’t skyrocket.

Looking at the spikes it’s like once you have had it, your covered immune for at least 3 months!

Looks like this Covid is like Flu but all year around! Maybe in years to come it be like flu and mainly every year it peaks.
Looking at the spikes it’s like once you have had it, your covered immune for at least 3 months!

Looks like this Covid is like Flu but all year around! Maybe in years to come it be like flu and mainly every year it peaks.
Can we have a flu thread and all the data associated with it.
In laws have got it now. Both late 70s but had all the jabs. Seem ok ish apart from being extremely tired.

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