Cost of living crisis - how are you all doing?

Yes this is true. Sitting in cold air temperature (below 18c) has numerous implications on health, particularly older or more vulnerable people.

Electric blankets or fleeces are a good alternative but obviously not free.

Or halogen heaters for a quick burst.

we have our heating set to 16, we basicallly live with blankets and hot water bottles ( I highly recommend them ) and this year is the 1st time i've ever bought a collection of jumpers!.
I would add, If you do struggle with the cold, Layers. get as many layers as you can, you can get cheap long sleeve tops, vests etc, and dont worry about looking silly, just layer up.

When it was cold in Dec I had a vest, a long sleeve top, a T Shirt and a jumper on.

doesn't have to be expensive stuff.

we have done a few trips to the arctic areas and they swear by layering up.
My brother sent me some help for the fuel bills but i needed some for shopping, merlin has had to go on a special diet and he ruined his insides with squirrels and had chronic squits on felix, has worked but man i need a second mortage and that is getting it as cheap as possible online

Heating one hr still, just hall and bedroom ,freezing this morning , literally, but once the kitchen door and the catflaps are open it goes out there so layer up and stay covered , it is miserable but soon be spring
My brother sent me some help for the fuel bills but i needed some for shopping, merlin has had to go on a special diet and he ruined his insides with squirrels and had chronic squits on felix, has worked but man i need a second mortage and that is getting it as cheap as possible online

Heating one hr still, just hall and bedroom ,freezing this morning , literally, but once the kitchen door and the catflaps are open it goes out there so layer up and stay covered , it is miserable but soon be spring
Interesting, Buddy has been having issues with Felix ( but mostly poultry ones, fish he's ok ).
whats the special diet you have tried? we tried hypoalergenic and he hated it. we are thinking about trying a raw diet.
Used the heating for when had my young kids over already in debt with gas company never use any at other times. No idea how our useless government will get us out the shit that’s happening
Interesting, Buddy has been having issues with Felix ( but mostly poultry ones, fish he's ok ).
whats the special diet you have tried? we tried hypoalergenic and he hated it. we are thinking about trying a raw diet.
I have him on royal cannin sensitivity food , it is just chicken and rice , it has reset his insides and he inhales it he likes it so much, it is costly but i was at my wits end with it and he feels like a new cat on it . No more squirrels that i know of , three mucked him right up! I might try the odd sachet of felix at some point and see what happens

Cheapest ihave found is on

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