Costa offends their customers

Mrs KS called in to Pret on Leeds station on her way home yesterday. They gave her free coffee because they said she looked so smiling and happy. What?!
Pret has an actual policy called "random acts of kindness".
The policy entitles every Pret A Manger branch to a budget they can use to give away free coffee and food to customers
But team members are not given guidelines on who they should give freebies too. It is entirely at their discretion.
"We always receive lots of great feedback about our 'random acts of kindness' policy,"
"There’s no real secret to getting a free coffee at Pret – we let our teams decide who gets something on the house, so it’s up to them.

"They might choose to welcome a new customer, cheer up somebody having a bad day, or spot someone who's married to a ****."
I have never been in a costas or a starbucks.
Nor have I. Its become a thing now with my mates when we are out. Trying to trick me. Nearly got caught out at the local hospital once, wanted tea, they had just switched to a Costa plus shop. Rules is rules though so I gave a lad standing outside a fiver to get my tea and keep the change.
I used one waiting for the Classic Football Shirts shop in Aldgate to open when I was last in London. I think it was a Costa.

A lemon muffin (the cake variety and not that wrong term for a bread roll) and a pot of tea was something ridiculous like £7.00.
Never been in or had costa but have had starbucks. Only had it in Manchester though and only because it was in the lobby of the hotel that we stayed in.
Expensive and didn't taste like coffee.
I must confess I am a big Costa fan because I know exactly that my drink will taste the same whichever branch I use and it avoids the pissing about waiting for the drink you get with waiter service in other coffee shops.
What does piss me off is when they try and sell me extras when I am at the till. “Blueberry muffins are 1/2 price at £1.70 would I like one. If I wanted 1 I would have gone to Asda where they are 4 for £1.50.
What does piss me off is when they try and sell me extras when I am at the till. “Blueberry muffins are 1/2 price at £1.70 would I like one. If I wanted 1 I would have gone to Asda where they are 4 for £1.50.
The number of questions you get everywhere nowadays pisses me the fuck off. Minimum "Do you have a loyalty card? Would you like a plastic bag?"

It's even worse with self checkout/order stuff. I went to McDonalds the other day. Eat in or out > are you a member > what's your table number > what's your order? > would you like any extra sides? > checkout > would you like any extra sides again? > would you like to donate to charity? > how would you like to pay?

Worse still when you get stuck behind anyone who says yes to any of these questions. By the time they've got their phone out, opened the loyalty app, figured out how to redeem their vouchers, worked out how to use the self-service machine, got the points for their current shop, opened another app to pay, all your frozen food is a puddle on the ground.

Pretty soon, it's gonna be like this:


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