Courtney Meppen Walter

black mamba said:

Happened just after 10 o' clock on a Saturday night apparently ....

that area tends to stay quite busy because there are a number of businesses around there there that stay open quite late ...... and , even though it was late , you would probably have had a fair bit of traffic still ferrying people into town for a Saturday night out too no doubt.
Sorry, suppose I assumed that it couldn't have been busy as he managed to get such a pace going. I know I rarely get out second gear round there.
bobmcfc said:
Matty said:
bobmcfc said:
How do you know he wasn't edging out with a restricted view ? Something most drivers have to do all the time. We don't know that he just pulled out without looking.

I'm pretty sure if I were to edge out due to a restricted view, and a car hit me, that I'd be the one held responsible for the crash, certainly by the insurers. We all make assumptions, there's an assumption beign made here that, had Meppen-Walter been driving at 30mph the Micra driver wouldn't have died. It's quite likely, but not certain. It's also quite likely, although not certain that the Micra pulled out rather than edged out, as 99 times out of 100 when you emerge from a sdie road, you don't do so by edging out.

We do know that the court has made CMW accountable for his actions. His speeding and the fact that this wasn't his first offence. Did CMW receive any injuries at all ?
You can't make a dead man accountable for his actions though so who knows what the Micra driver may, or may not, have been responsible for had he survived. As I said, it's doubtful the Micra driver broke any laws, but it's probable that his driving was less than ideal. It seems CMW was pretty much uninjured, however when you consider the front of his car hit the side of the Micra, and his car will have been bigger, heavier and more safe than the Micra, that's hardly surprising.
We do know that the court has made CMW accountable for his actions. His speeding and the fact that this wasn't his first offence. Did CMW receive any injuries at all ?
The court didn't find anything, he pleaded guilty, why I don't know as has been said in law the other guy would normally (always) be considered to be at fault.

The cause of the accident may well have been the driver of the Micra pulling out.
The cause of the 2 deaths was Meppen-Walter doing 56 mph in a 30 zone.
By pleading Guilty Meppen-Walter has accepted reponsibility for his actions, by sentencing him to 16 months in custody the court has ensured he is punished for his actions.
robbie brewer said:
We do know that the court has made CMW accountable for his actions. His speeding and the fact that this wasn't his first offence. Did CMW receive any injuries at all ?
The court didn't find anything, he pleaded guilty, why I don't know as has been said in law the other guy would normally (always) be considered to be at fault.

The cause of the accident may well have been the driver of the Micra pulling out.
The cause of the 2 deaths was Meppen-Walter doing 56 mph in a 30 zone.
By pleading Guilty Meppen-Walter has accepted reponsibility for his actions, by sentencing him to 16 months in custody the court has ensured he is punished for his actions.
It was a contributory factor, granted.
Didn't take the grieving family long to explore whether there's a drink in it for them I notice.

Every cloud.
I couldn't cheer CMW if I saw him score the winner against United to send them down.

But I wouldn't be at the match anyway if I knew he was going to be picked for the team.

I hope the lad learns his lesson, comes out of prison and has a good life, but after those 2 deaths he'll never be a City hero of mine.
oakiecokie said:
tidyman said:
Didn't take the grieving family long to explore whether there's a drink in it for them I notice.

Every cloud.

I suppose you think thats pretty funny, you one brain cell idiot !!

Don't think anything about it is funny my friend. Including the bunch of hypercritical fuckers on this thread.
urmston said:
I couldn't cheer CPM if I saw him score the winner against United to send them down.

But I wouldn't be at the match anyway if I knew he was going to be picked for the team.

I hope the lad learns his lesson, comes out of prison and has a good life, but after those 2 deaths he'll never be a City hero of mine.

He's young enough to get over it , even if he's hardly likely to ever forget it .... one day he'll understand why it was madness to drive through the streets of Manchester as those speeds , something bad was always likely to happen , sooner or later .... but , however much he regrets it , he'll have to live with the memory of what he's done for the rest of his life , as will the grieving family who suffered the losses.

I doubt that his case will stop the many thousands of other young tearaways who , irresponsibly , drive through the streets at high speeds ... but if CMW has got any sense , he will learn a valuable lesson from this ..... his 'sentence' could have been so much worse , and , in earnest , should have been.
Its a tough one.. nine times out of ten every one walks away with cuts and bruises, insurance companies are left to argue blame.. in this instance people died.

every young kid in a car pushes it at times.. you show me some one who says they never and im almost certain they are tellinv lies.. but i really question the wisdom of the club to pay for insurance on these high powered cars without any questions being asked<br /><br />-- Sat Mar 02, 2013 9:37 pm --<br /><br />Its a tough one.. nine times out of ten every one walks away with cuts and bruises, insurance companies are left to argue blame.. in this instance people died.

every young kid in a car pushes it at times.. you show me some one who says they never and im almost certain they are tellinv lies.. but i really question the wisdom of the club to pay for insurance on these high powered cars without any questions being asked

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