Courtney Meppen Walter

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
whicko said:
You really all are a set of hypocrites, can any one of you honestly say you never exceed the given speed limit, as the saying goes 'by the grace of god go i' , it could happen to any one!

Head in hands at this post.

Yes but the difference is it was CMW's choice to put his foot to the floor and do double the speed limit. Yes we have all sped but I for one have never done 60 in a 30!

It doesn't matter how much over the speed limit you are doing if you are speeding you are also in danger of the same sentence if you have an accident and hurt someone, as for 'head in hands' at this post I suggest you get real and take a good look at yourself,speeding is speeding no matter how much you dress it up.
whicko said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
whicko said:
You really all are a set of hypocrites, can any one of you honestly say you never exceed the given speed limit, as the saying goes 'by the grace of god go i' , it could happen to any one!

Head in hands at this post.

Yes but the difference is it was CMW's choice to put his foot to the floor and do double the speed limit. Yes we have all sped but I for one have never done 60 in a 30!

It doesn't matter how much over the speed limit you are doing if you are speeding you are also in danger of the same sentence if you have an accident and hurt someone, as for 'head in hands' at this post I suggest you get real and take a good look at yourself,speeding is speeding no matter hoew you dress it up.
Ok. Go out in your car now on a 30 road and do 60-70mph. Then go on another and do 35. I bet you any amount of fucking money that you will have people staring at you as you zoom past doing 60-70, and not one person will bat an eye lid at you doing 35. Why? Because doing 60-70 on a 30 road is fucking stupid, that's why.
tidyman said:
There must be an awful lot of perfect people on here. A young kid, been handed enough money to buy high performance cars before he's really even learnt to drive. I'm sure people on this gaff will be queueing up to say how they're that responsible, they have never broken the speed limit. Others claiming it's perfectly ok to break the limit a bit but not as much as Courtney. Hypercrites. I think you would struggle to find an 18 year old kid in his position who hasn't done something similar, but luckily for them, without the tragic consequences.

I'm not defending Courtney. He's broken the law. He went guilty and now he's got six months in jail. And half the holier than thou perfectionists on here, claiming six months is nothing would probably top themselves if they had to do 10 minutes in one of those luxury holiday camps they know so much about.
He had been warned before about his driving and how he could kill someone
So what does he do,exactly the same thing however this time KILLS two people

Do you not think for a minute he could of learned from his first speeding conviction?<br /><br />-- Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:32 am --<br /><br />
Pigeonho said:
whicko said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Head in hands at this post.

Yes but the difference is it was CMW's choice to put his foot to the floor and do double the speed limit. Yes we have all sped but I for one have never done 60 in a 30!

It doesn't matter how much over the speed limit you are doing if you are speeding you are also in danger of the same sentence if you have an accident and hurt someone, as for 'head in hands' at this post I suggest you get real and take a good look at yourself,speeding is speeding no matter hoew you dress it up.
Ok. Go out in your car now on a 30 road and do 60-70mph. Then go on another and do 35. I bet you any amount of fucking money that you will have people staring at you as you zoom past doing 60-70, and not one person will bat an eye lid at you doing 35. Why? Because doing 60-70 on a 30 road is fucking stupid, that's why.
I dont think they realise how fast 60mph is in a 30 zone mate
BlueHalli said:
avoidconfusion said:
I was caught speeding a few months ago doing 37 in a 30 zone. Was offered a speed awareness course and was absolutely dreading the 4-5 hours I thought I would waste there but I can say that course was probably one of the biggest "eye openers" I have ever had and I can hand on heart say that ever since that course I have never exceeded a speed limit again. If anything I drive a lot more careful now then I did before, can only recommend going on one of those course, they really make you think.

I done exactly the same ! About 37 in a 30 which I thought was a 40 . Iv just had to rearrange the course lactation then ill have to do it . What sort of stuff do you have to do ?

Didn't really have to "do" anything, it's not a driving course.
Basically you sit in a room and someone from the AA (in my case a really funny lady) presents to you and really opens your eyes.

The course really highlighted how much difference even 1-2 mph make, how easily even talking on a hands free can be a distraction. She actually did a live demonstration of that with 2 people attending the course where she asked them questions that required them to think a bit and you could really observe how they would get distracted a little bit when thinking about the answer (even if it is just a second).

Like I said, it changed the way I am driving now.
He was travelling at excess speed. I drive faster than the spedd limit, as I'm sure most people do, but there's a diference between 40 in a 30 zone and 60 in a 30 zone, 60 is clearly far more dangerous as the reaction time is so much more reduced. If he'd hit them doing 40, it's possible they might not have died, I'm sure the impact was far greater due to the higher speed, so obviously he deserves to be punished for this.

However you also have to look at the drinving of the Micra. The car was hit as it emerged from a side street, AS IT EMERGED. This means that Meppen-Walter's car, even travelling at 60mph, can't have been too far away from the end of the street when the car decided to pull out. If he'd been doing 30mph the odds are he 'd have either still hit the Micra, or else he'd have had to slam on the brakes, and lean on his horn a great deal. In short, the Micra driver has hardly shown exceptional driving skills here, he's done what I'm sure we've all seen other drivers do, pull out when there's not been time or space to do so, and caused issues in the process.

So, yes Meppen-Walters needs to be punished, he was speeding, to excess, and that excessive speed has caused the crash to be far more serious than it would likely have been. However just because the Micra driver, and his passenger, were killed doesn't mean they were 100% absolved of any blame. What they did might not have been a criminal offence, but if the driver had paid more attention, and made a better decision with regards to pulling out in front of a moving vehicle, then this situation would have been prevented.
Matty said:
He was travelling at excess speed. I drive faster than the spedd limit, as I'm sure most people do, but there's a diference between 40 in a 30 zone and 60 in a 30 zone, 60 is clearly far more dangerous as the reaction time is so much more reduced. If he'd hit them doing 40, it's possible they might not have died, I'm sure the impact was far greater due to the higher speed, so obviously he deserves to be punished for this.

However you also have to look at the drinving of the Micra. The car was hit as it emerged from a side street, AS IT EMERGED. This means that Meppen-Walter's car, even travelling at 60mph, can't have been too far away from the end of the street when the car decided to pull out. If he'd been doing 30mph the odds are he 'd have either still hit the Micra, or else he'd have had to slam on the brakes, and lean on his horn a great deal. In short, the Micra driver has hardly shown exceptional driving skills here, he's done what I'm sure we've all seen other drivers do, pull out when there's not been time or space to do so, and caused issues in the process.

So, yes Meppen-Walters needs to be punished, he was speeding, to excess, and that excessive speed has caused the crash to be far more serious than it would likely have been. However just because the Micra driver, and his passenger, were killed doesn't mean they were 100% absolved of any blame. What they did might not have been a criminal offence, but if the driver had paid more attention, and made a better decision with regards to pulling out in front of a moving vehicle, then this situation would have been prevented.

How do you know he wasn't edging out with a restricted view ? Something most drivers have to do all the time. We don't know that he just pulled out without looking.
Matty said:
He was travelling at excess speed. I drive faster than the spedd limit, as I'm sure most people do, but there's a diference between 40 in a 30 zone and 60 in a 30 zone, 60 is clearly far more dangerous as the reaction time is so much more reduced. If he'd hit them doing 40, it's possible they might not have died, I'm sure the impact was far greater due to the higher speed, so obviously he deserves to be punished for this.

However you also have to look at the drinving of the Micra. The car was hit as it emerged from a side street, AS IT EMERGED. This means that Meppen-Walter's car, even travelling at 60mph, can't have been too far away from the end of the street when the car decided to pull out. If he'd been doing 30mph the odds are he 'd have either still hit the Micra, or else he'd have had to slam on the brakes, and lean on his horn a great deal. In short, the Micra driver has hardly shown exceptional driving skills here, he's done what I'm sure we've all seen other drivers do, pull out when there's not been time or space to do so, and caused issues in the process.

So, yes Meppen-Walters needs to be punished, he was speeding, to excess, and that excessive speed has caused the crash to be far more serious than it would likely have been. However just because the Micra driver, and his passenger, were killed doesn't mean they were 100% absolved of any blame. What they did might not have been a criminal offence, but if the driver had paid more attention, and made a better decision with regards to pulling out in front of a moving vehicle, then this situation would have been prevented.

The cookie monster said:
tidyman said:
There must be an awful lot of perfect people on here. A young kid, been handed enough money to buy high performance cars before he's really even learnt to drive. I'm sure people on this gaff will be queueing up to say how they're that responsible, they have never broken the speed limit. Others claiming it's perfectly ok to break the limit a bit but not as much as Courtney. Hypercrites. I think you would struggle to find an 18 year old kid in his position who hasn't done something similar, but luckily for them, without the tragic consequences.

I'm not defending Courtney. He's broken the law. He went guilty and now he's got six months in jail. And half the holier than thou perfectionists on here, claiming six months is nothing would probably top themselves if they had to do 10 minutes in one of those luxury holiday camps they know so much about.
He had been warned before about his driving and how he could kill someone
So what does he do,exactly the same thing however this time KILLS two people

Do you not think for a minute he could of learned from his first speeding conviction?

Of course he could. And should. No one I'm aware of is saying he wasn't stupid. I'm saying he's done nothing that the majority of kids in his position and a lot awful lot older haven't done. That doesn't make it right. It was wrong. He's been punished.

I'm not going to name names because I'm not certain of it, but I'm pretty sure there's someone on this thread, demanding a tougher sentence, who was bragging on here not so long ago, how he tried to deliberatly cause a car on the motorway to crash because he was breaking the speed limit more than he was.
bobmcfc said:
Matty said:
He was travelling at excess speed. I drive faster than the spedd limit, as I'm sure most people do, but there's a diference between 40 in a 30 zone and 60 in a 30 zone, 60 is clearly far more dangerous as the reaction time is so much more reduced. If he'd hit them doing 40, it's possible they might not have died, I'm sure the impact was far greater due to the higher speed, so obviously he deserves to be punished for this.

However you also have to look at the drinving of the Micra. The car was hit as it emerged from a side street, AS IT EMERGED. This means that Meppen-Walter's car, even travelling at 60mph, can't have been too far away from the end of the street when the car decided to pull out. If he'd been doing 30mph the odds are he 'd have either still hit the Micra, or else he'd have had to slam on the brakes, and lean on his horn a great deal. In short, the Micra driver has hardly shown exceptional driving skills here, he's done what I'm sure we've all seen other drivers do, pull out when there's not been time or space to do so, and caused issues in the process.

So, yes Meppen-Walters needs to be punished, he was speeding, to excess, and that excessive speed has caused the crash to be far more serious than it would likely have been. However just because the Micra driver, and his passenger, were killed doesn't mean they were 100% absolved of any blame. What they did might not have been a criminal offence, but if the driver had paid more attention, and made a better decision with regards to pulling out in front of a moving vehicle, then this situation would have been prevented.

How do you know he wasn't edging out with a restricted view ? Something most drivers have to do all the time. We don't know that he just pulled out without looking.

Impeccable said:
bobmcfc said:
Matty said:
He was travelling at excess speed. I drive faster than the spedd limit, as I'm sure most people do, but there's a diference between 40 in a 30 zone and 60 in a 30 zone, 60 is clearly far more dangerous as the reaction time is so much more reduced. If he'd hit them doing 40, it's possible they might not have died, I'm sure the impact was far greater due to the higher speed, so obviously he deserves to be punished for this.

However you also have to look at the drinving of the Micra. The car was hit as it emerged from a side street, AS IT EMERGED. This means that Meppen-Walter's car, even travelling at 60mph, can't have been too far away from the end of the street when the car decided to pull out. If he'd been doing 30mph the odds are he 'd have either still hit the Micra, or else he'd have had to slam on the brakes, and lean on his horn a great deal. In short, the Micra driver has hardly shown exceptional driving skills here, he's done what I'm sure we've all seen other drivers do, pull out when there's not been time or space to do so, and caused issues in the process.

So, yes Meppen-Walters needs to be punished, he was speeding, to excess, and that excessive speed has caused the crash to be far more serious than it would likely have been. However just because the Micra driver, and his passenger, were killed doesn't mean they were 100% absolved of any blame. What they did might not have been a criminal offence, but if the driver had paid more attention, and made a better decision with regards to pulling out in front of a moving vehicle, then this situation would have been prevented.

How do you know he wasn't edging out with a restricted view ? Something most drivers have to do all the time. We don't know that he just pulled out without looking.


Why are you gobsmacked ? The poor guy/woman in the micra that got smashed into and killed is being blamed even though we don't know for a fact that he just pulled out without caution. We do know that CMW was speeding and not for the first time.

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