This must be my last post for a while - I have work to get done. However, you've been reading too much and not thinking enough, IMO, mate.
1. Who knows whether the virus will start up again in China? 95% of shipments from China have now resumed, I've just heard on the TV. They've been shipping a load of their used ventilators over to Italy, such is their confidence they won't need them in such numbers again. Our strategy condemns thousands of people to death, whereas the Chinese strategy offers hope that that need not be the case. Perhaps it might not work and and perhaps it would, but surely when dealing with peoples' lives, we don't just give up and accept a terrible outcome which is not even certain.
2. All this BS about flattening the curve. Sure we want to flatten it, I get that. But it is PR spin to imagine we can flatten it to anything like NHS capacity if we allow most people to become infected. It's simple maths mate. You cannot divide 40m infected by any number of months, any way you like and not overwhelm the NHS. We'd perhaps have to spread it out over 10 years to not do so. Carry on as we are, and the NHS WILL be swamped, and when that happens, people who need ICU who cannot get it, die. They are saveable but die needlessly due to our inability to treat them.
Furthermore, where are the actions now, which are commensurate with trying to minimise the size of any peak? We are being told that cancelling sporting events would have little impact. Well (a) what utter crap, and (b) any impact would be helpful. It is a travesty that all actions are not being taken to limit the extent to which the NHS cannot cope. The government is talking about "at some point" closing schools, banning mass gatherings of more than 500.Get on with for christ's sake. And make it gatherings of 50 whilst you're at it. Where is the direction saying "Everyone who can work from home, should"? That would help greatly, but no such statement is forthcoming? Why????