COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Sorry if I didn’t make it clear in my post.

I meant does the test:

1. Show you have it now or have had it and got over it


2. You have it now (if you’ve had it and got over it you test negative because you don’t have it now) = live case.
Hi mate.

The current test only test whether you currently have the virus. It's very long winded and expensive per test, which is why they are limited.

Currently being developed are; more efficient antigen tests, which test for the if you've got the virus now (live case), and antibody tests, which test whether you have had the virus previously.

This is why lockdown is vital now. once we can test, and see the enemy properly, we can isolate those who have it, and feed those who are immune back into general society.
Has anyone got a copy of the letter sent to the 1.5m most vulnerable?
My 80 year old mother in law is one of them but it’s not easy getting information from her regarding the letter over the phone. Obviously the main thing is to stay indoors for 12 weeks but I would like to read the letter in full.

My wife received a text from UK_GOV advising “New rules in force now: you must stay at home. More info & exemptions at Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.

She has the flu jab each year so think the text was sent instead of a letter - but not certain that’s correct, although her 85 year old Mum got the same text.

I’d send a screen shot but not very good at that sort of thing.
Some perspective for those people who are getting alarmed about the number of deaths.

I report below the number of deaths from 'flu in the UK in recent years. It's of the order of 20,000 a year.

The coronavirus epidemic will take very approximately 2 x cumulative deaths at the peak which is going to be significantly less than 20,000.

I am not sure exactly how the data is compiled but I just wanted to get an order of magnitude comparison. It's just information. You do what you want with it.

Source: Public Health England, surveillance of influenza and other respiratory viruses in the UK Winter 2018 and 2019.


The fact we've had to take extreme measures to combat this virus makes any comparison to flu redundant. We're getting a lot of cases and deaths, despite a 'lockdown' of sorts.

Add to that, its the hospitalisation as well as mortality rate that make this virus dangerous. It makes enough people unwell, fills our hospital beds and then starts taking out people who may have recovered had there been the right medical treatment.

This virus kills but it also overwhelms and kills.

We also won't see how many die of other conditions due to Covid-19 overwhelming the healthcare system.

Any comparison to flu is ridiculous.
My wife received a text from UK_GOV advising “New rules in force now: you must stay at home. More info & exemptions at Stay at home. Protect the NHS. Save lives.

She has the flu jab each year so think the text was sent instead of a letter - but not certain that’s correct, although her 85 year old Mum got the same text.

I’d send a screen shot but not very good at that sort of thing.

Most people in the country for that text, that is just the general advice warning sent to most phones , that is not the 12 week letter
Just been talking to our daughter in New Zealand. They went into complete lockdown at midnight Wednesday after having 200 cases, cases not deaths, they are testing 2000 people a day and hope to double that this weekend, they have more than enough PPE to go around but are still manufacturing more. Note the difference.

Genuine question to Americans on here, whats the message like on social distancing over there?

Can't believe that all the 'top people' are shoulder to shoulder in this video.
I feel like the thread has gone back in time 2 weeks. Flu comparisons are still alive and kicking? If someone has the data for how many seasonal flu deaths there’d be during a national lockdown for much of a 12 month period (or longer), with social distancing in operation then make the comparison. People are stating how many flu kills in normal life with normal, free movement of people and normal, close interactions. It’s so far removed from the world as it is today.
I know we have shut down countries, but I was trying to reassure myself and other people by providing some background re the deaths, and how it compares to the 'flu. It turns out that it's not so easy to compare because the data we have from a single health authority has veen presented in two different ways. I think my orginal comparison was fair. 'flu epidemics have cost more lives but that's in a normal world and when Covid is done its affect in poor countries maybe worse. We haven't really seen yet what will happen there.
If you can work from home and are self isolating for 14 days, are you still expected to work from home or not?
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