COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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yeh I think so, she has bad sciatica aswell.
School has loads of teachers currently working with few children. And the headteacher is trying to make my Mrs come in a month before due date.

That sciatica is a right fucker run her a bath and get the old massage going when I get it I’m laid up for a couple of months with epidural injections
yeh I think so, she has bad sciatica aswell.
School has loads of teachers currently working with few children. And the headteacher is trying to make my Mrs come in a month before due date.
She’s struggling and and some selfish **** is out running for his 501st day on the trot....
Find it staggering that some teachers are moaning. Really wonder whether some of them want to work at all.
They get more time off than most people yet they still are not happy.
I asked 1 the other day that I know and they said they didnt want to go back and are halt to stay at home watching tv all day.
Coronavirus isn't prevalent in children so what's their issue?
Get back to work like the rest of us.

Why don’t you become a teacher then?
...also teachers are working from home, planning lessons, marking etc..

I take it you’re from the ‘bloody teachers got it easy’ brigade.

Schools and Teachers need to take charge and determine what is possible in the circumstances and constraints they face. Government guidelines, in turn, need to be flexible enough to allow schools that discretion. By the time English schools return, schools in certain European countries will have been back nearly a month, or more, so there is adequate experience and evidence there from which to learn.
Mad how these teachers don't want to go back to work but are happy for the shelf stackers in Tesco working.

It's alright for public sector workers wanting to stay in lockdown, they still get paid, unlike the private sector.
What the fuck is furloughing then? I’ve been going into work since lockdown, yet there are loads getting more than me on furlough for doing fuck all in the private sector. It’s not a race to the bottom you know but next up like I’ve seen with Littlejohns comments we all have gold plated pensions and private sector doesn’t and have lost loads, the NHS are hiring if you fancy it.
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