COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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You tried to make it public versus private workers, proper daily mail stuff,teachers have been in looking after public service key workers kids so they can go save lives,teachers have been told they don't need ppe and can social distance kids,clearly they have something to say about that

These people can’t be reasoned with, Karen.

They’re completely brainwashed and the only thing that can change what they think is if the headlines, politicians & “journos“ they listen to change their own narrative.

Unfortunately they’re repeating line by line and word by word the entire story the elite want of turning the blame from the government on to the people. Funnily enough, they never actually realise that they themselves are the people and not the elite.

It’s a character flaw I think. In their heads, if they attack the people like the bosses do and repeat the stories that the papers put out line by line, then they think they’re on side with the elite and above those who aren’t.

Unfortunately they never actually stop to think how they’ve suddenly developed this viewpoint at the exact same time the usual suspects start pumping out the headlines.

Remember how everyone turned on Raheem Sterling at the exact same time the papers turned on him? It’s just like that but with a different victim.
I certainly haven't misjudged you either.
If the economy doesn't restart as soon as it can, we're all fucked. To restart we need schools open. The longer we wait the more likely we will to be fucked. I'm sure you'll love the massive unemployment that may come with it.

Line by line.

How many people do you want dead out of it all?
I certainly haven't misjudged you either.
If the economy doesn't restart as soon as it can, we're all fucked. To restart we need schools open. The longer we wait the more likely we will to be fucked. I'm sure you'll love the massive unemployment that may come with it.
I agree economy needs to get doing how do people think nhs , schools etc are funded though taxes from people working

I been out volunteering and I can safely say I delivered to quite a lot of family’s who parents have all ready lost jobs and these family’s can’t put food on the table
give over with the teacher shit.

some I know are working very hard, even at weekends, marking and preparing online lesson plans. others I know who are not as busy but are finding it mentally hard going and struggling keeping things together.

walk a mile in their shoes ...or maybe keep your opinions to yourself.

the government have been ambiguous about schools returning and i for one won’t be sending my lad to school until September at the earliest and only then if they convince me that he’s not being exposed to the virus and it’s a safe, properly supervised environment. Anybody who thinks otherwise needs to give their head a really good wobble....then have a little think of all those vulnerable people they or their children might come in to contact with for whom catching the virus would end them.
As few as possible but if the economy is destroyed there will be more deaths from this point on as a result. Hobson's choice but there you go.

The economy is going down anyway. Schools being open in June and July isn’t going to make a difference.

It will however result in the death of teachers and potentially even children.

Great call.
Mad how these teachers don't want to go back to work but are happy for the shelf stackers in Tesco working.

It's alright for public sector workers wanting to stay in lockdown, they still get paid, unlike the private sector.

There's a lot of truth in that, James. I work for local government and watched many of my colleagues run away and hide at home during late Feb / early March. Some had legitimate reasons but others were looking any excuse to bolt. The rest of us haven't had a day off since lockdown began whether we're working from home or at our desks - I can deffo confirm we're not all slackers!
I agree economy needs to get doing how do people think nhs , schools etc are funded though taxes from people working

I been out volunteering and I can safely say I delivered to quite a lot of family’s who parents have all ready lost jobs and these family’s can’t put food on the table
Everything has to be made as safe as possible but it can't be 100% safe as it would take too long.
I had a conversation with 2 teachers of primary school level yesterday. They both said even with a reduced number of children (10-15) it was impossible to enforce social distancing amongst children because they take no notice. These are schools open for children of key workers.

So rather than the teaching unions acting under their natural Bolshevik impulses as front paged by the Mail and The Scum, maybe, just maybe, the teaching unions are doing their best to restrict the spread of the virus, and protect their members best interest, and thst of their wider extended families
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