COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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2 people just tested positive at my work on the 2nd floor, been using separate entrances ect, lucky for me I started working from home again to not jeopardise my holiday on Friday!
On this argument about deaths being weeks after new cases. Of course we all know that.

But as I keep saying in my posts the cases started rising in June. Leicester has been in lockdown since then. And both hospitalisations and deaths there fell throughout its lockdown - now heading for 2 months. Though case numbers are lower than they were they are still up on what they were when deaths were rising.

And whilst less time applies to other areas we are some weeks into rising case numbers and deaths are still falling pretty much everywhere apart from North Wales.
So current status week v week

Last week 15 UK hospital deaths (13 Eng/2 Wales) - this week 11 (6 Eng/5 Wales)

Cases Scotland & Wales - last week 78 - this week 55.
Later the all settings deaths became 65 with 50 added out of hospital to the 15.

And total cases from those 78 became 892 when England was added.

Today we start at 11 deaths and 55 cases.
I think you missed "yet" off the end of that sentence, because deaths don't happen in days, its weeks, even months.

Well cases now are as low as they have ever been give or take a couple of hundred each day and the deaths are coming down. By your logic weeks or even months ago there were a lot more daily cases from a lot less tests, so the number dying is only going to get even lower. Right optimistic bunch on here aren't you always looking for a negative when at the moment they are hard to find.
On this argument about deaths being weeks after new cases. Of course we all know that.
Some do need reminding though, sadly, and certainly not aimed at you, as you follow it much closer than most.

New cases rising started about July 8th from a 7 day minimum of 545, but it is yet to double (though it could be close to doubling today) in a month, even with testing capacity being high. Cases were doubling in 5 days in March with barely any testing, so we're certainly in a better place right now than we were.

I'm neither positive or negative about it all, but even though cases in my area appear slow, I'm continuing to be cautious about it, and will continue to be so even if the death rate remains low, a) I don't want, b) I don't want to have to isolate, and c) I don't to be responsible for passing it on to someone else, so life isn't normal, but it's as near to it as I can hope for at the moment.
Wise strategy and the one I am following. Hope for the best. Plan for the worst. Minimise your risk.

I have a friend in the US who told me in February this was going to be a global disaster. Her son is a doctor in Seattle in the hospital that took the first cases from a care home there. She went out and bought a Hazmat suit on his advice. I thought she was nuts. But I was soon listening to her a little more carefully even though not to the extent of doing what she did - buying a gun and six months supplies long before lockdown was a thing.

I thought she had seen too many episodes of The Walking Dead.

But this informed my decision to become acquainted with the facts first hand (not spoonfed) and follow my three point mantra as noted at the start of this post.
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Well cases now are as low as they have ever been give or take a couple of hundred each day and the deaths are coming down. By your logic weeks or even months ago there were a lot more daily cases from a lot less tests, so the number dying is only going to get even lower. Right optimistic bunch on here aren't you always looking for a negative when at the moment they are hard to find.
Surely the more cases there are while the death rate remains low is a good thing?
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