COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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But if we don’t have mass immunisation then it’s very likely Covid will continue to spread and thus mutate, possibly making the vaccine pointless. You need the vast majority to be immunised for it to work. That’s my understanding of the science.
That'll depend on the vaccine, it is possible that a vaccine will give protection from significant disease but not protect much against infection and thus spread.
Until the trials are complete which should be within the next year hopefully we won't actually know what the vaccine does. But if you work in a place of high risk of catching it and it is demonstrated to protect against disease you would be pretty daft not to take it in my view.
we don't know who made up the numbers gettin dropped,until we get the data they have for changing it I will doubt their motives,they could tell us how many of those died in accidents for instance,at the bare minimum
I am surprised anyone would just accept them doing it when we know how they spun test numbers etc

My main issue was not with debatable cases being counted as Covid, rather their inclusion in the daily figures with the affect of denting morale and potentially influencing the decisions of policy makers. I have been critical of the Government (and rightly so) but have you criticised left wing activists using the misleading daily figures to support their agendas. I am thinking about the Tweets showing the UK having more Covid deaths than the rest of Europe combined that were shared by pop stars and actors etc, who could say they were highlighting UK Daily mortality stats. These deaths were often from weeks and months ago and probably included some people who had recovered from Covid and died from other causes.
That'll depend on the vaccine, it is possible that a vaccine will give protection from significant disease but not protect much against infection and thus spread.
Until the trials are complete which should be within the next year hopefully we won't actually know what the vaccine does. But if you work in a place of high risk of catching it and it is demonstrated to protect against disease you would be pretty daft not to take it in my view.

It's not a disease though, it's a virus. Like the flu, it mutates every year. So far, Covid mutates at a slowish rate which means, if we can find a working vaccine, it's most likely to be immunisable. However the more hosts a virus can find the more likely it will eventually mutate which then makes the current vaccines useless hence why everyone (ideally) should have the vaccine.

I wasn't aware vaccines can halt the spread of dangerous symptoms of a virus? I only thought vaccines for virus could stop the virus masking itself against your immune system and for that you need the vaccine to contain the relevant strain of the virus? Aren't the type of vaccines you describe only for diseases?

This is my understanding but I'm not a medical profession so if this is wrong apologises, I'm not trying to spread disinformation but it's what I understand from what I"ve read.
I'm all for vaccines but you can't blame people for not wanting to be injected with something that typically takes 5-10 years to develop that was knocked up in 12 months, especially if they are in a low risk group.

So yes the gene pool may well be improved, but not for the reasons you imagine.
It's faster because testing is done in parallel rather than sequentially whilst they are manufacturing vaccine at risk now rather than waiting to see if it works. The process is faster because science and technology improves.
It's not a disease though, it's a virus. Like the flu, it mutates every year. So far, Covid mutates at a slowish rate which means, if we can find a working vaccine, it's most likely to be immunisable. However the more hosts a virus can find the more likely it will eventually mutate which then makes the current vaccines useless hence why everyone (ideally) should have the vaccine.

I wasn't aware vaccines can halt the spread of dangerous symptoms of a virus? I only thought vaccines for virus could stop the virus masking itself against your immune system and for that you need the vaccine to contain the relevant strain of the virus? Aren't the type of vaccines you describe only for diseases?

This is my understanding but I'm not a medical profession so if this is wrong apologises, I'm not trying to spread disinformation but it's what I understand from what I"ve read.
It's a virus that causes a disease.
There are several different potential outcomes from any vaccine on a spectrum from making the disease worse(highly unlikely) to complete protection from the virus in most preventing onward transmission.
It is quite possible that the vaccine could protect you from severe forms of the disease but do less to prevent onward transmission. It is also possible that the vaccine gives you protection but not over a long period.
All viruses mutate some mutate to avoid the immune response successfully others have not no one knows whether that will happen with Covid, it is possible but by no means certain.
Err... the government

I really hate to be the told you so guy but I did say there will be many needless deaths because of lockdown months ago.

16,000 of the total are likely because of the actual lockdown, 16,000.

I never seen the actual report just know the government had reported a higher total of deaths linked to covid when not true.
Scotland data 0 deaths but 254 in hospital (+6) and still 3 in icu.

New cases 49 - 1% - most in three known clusters. Just 7 in Grampian but 16 in Tayside. And 12 in Glasgow.
Last week it was 0 d 269 in hospital and 3 icu.

With 52 cases (1.2%).

Nicola Sturgeon notes the fall in cases in the Aberdeen area which has been a major outbreak is good
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