COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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Never said it was useless,we have heard it all before with this type of test,according to you we had reliable one five months ago,we have spent a fortune on bad tests so far

That's what I thought you'd said - basically that a reliable test didn't exist yet, so it's a bit of kiteflying at the moment.
I don't HAVE a narrative. Not sure why you think I do.

Basically I just collate and post the data. If I comment around them I do so much as I just have above regarding the England death figures. To put them in context of up/down/trends etc. Not a reason why - though I may give some alternative options for what is happening (there is usually more than one) - which is always going to be part guesswork in the way the actual numbers usually are not.

I know some on here do have a point to prove or political argument to make. I dont. I react to events and say if I feel we are doing things wrong. But recognise this is an unprecedented global event and everyone is reacting to events and learning on the job.

So I stick by the numbers and whatever I think and may occasionally say is just a personal view of what is happening. No more or less valid than anyone else.

I really do not have a narrative. Other than optimism we will somehow get this right and we can reclaim some semblance of normality sooner rather than later. But that aspiration always has to be teamed with caution as the virus unfolds around us.
Sorry mate, I wasn’t criticising or trying to suggest you had a particular narrative, I’m just a bit clumsy sometimes.
I do think it’s important for us all to realise that it’s not ‘bad news’ if cases go up by a couple of hundred on any given day and it’s not ‘good news’ if they go down by a couple of hundred the day after, that’s all.
Sorry mate, I wasn’t criticising or trying to suggest you had a particular narrative, I’m just a bit clumsy sometimes.
I do think it’s important for us all to realise that it’s not ‘bad news’ if cases go up by a couple of hundred on any given day and it’s not ‘good news’ if they go down by a couple of hundred the day after, that’s all.

That's OK. No offence taken at all.
Surprisingly good news.

New cases down to 812. From 153, 285 pillar 1 and 2 tests.

That is actually 9000 more than yesterday. About 0.6% UK ratio.

England 707 cases from 133, 540 tests. It was 925 from England and 1009 from UK last Wednesday.

Hard to make sense of these up and down numbers but they are not climbing day by day as some countries are seeing right now - that is the good news.
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All settinngs deaths recorded as 16.

Seems to be the 15 England hospital and the one April case from Scotland. The person had tested positive then not subsequently so it will have qualified. Just got overlooked.

Though higher than yesterday that 16 is well down on the 77 that was last Wednesday's all settings number and is even down on the 'revised' number that last week's 77 has now become via the cull of non 28 day cases - which from last Wednesday is now recorded as 20.
By the way the revision of the all settings deaths numbers has cast up something really interesting that nobody has spotted.

On 30 July by the old measures there were 14 UK hospital deaths. Actually below today. And the all settings number later became 38.

All the media promoted that as the number who died that day.

It was also the day we had the sudden late decision to put GM into partial lockdown from midnight.

Guess what the new all settings death number was based on the revised calculations according to the updated data now on the governments site for that day?

Believe it or not it is the only day (so far as I can see) since the pandemic started where the new measure of deaths shows we had ZERO - not one - death in the whole UK!

There were 34 on the 29th and 20 on the 31st but the day we are put in lockdown with hours notice zero.

That is almost surreally funny. Though of course it assumes this data can in any way be trusted. Since I have no clue how the 14 hospital deaths could just disappear.
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It's a saliva test for whether someone has the virus at the time of doing it. Nothing like this has ever been near the market up until this point so you are clearly getting mixed up. This gives an instant result and can be fully administered by the person taking the test.

The one 5 months ago was an antibody test that is still being used to this day so can't have been that bad. That was done by extracting blood and the results developed in a lab.
The americans and us have been through more quick tests than hot dinners ,hopefully they are reliable now
This is a really good thread. Not exactly a positive one, sadly, but a necessary read anyway.

Okay regional scoreboard still not great for the North West as we remain out in front but not going further out of control it seems. But not clamping down on it as fast as we may need to do.

Just under 25% of the England cases today are from the NW region.


London 105 (down from 143)

Midlands 99 (down from 137)

Yorks & Humber 102 (down from 161)

North West is at 176 (down from 211) - so not as big a fall as the others. Which is of some concern.
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