COVID-19 — Coronavirus

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for those who think Sweden has done well.

"Sweden records highest death tally in 150 years in first six months of 2020"

But they’ve got immunity.

for three months.
It was not an over reaction Kaz. You told me to compare like with like. When you know all I can do is post the NHS data as released not make up or guess what might be missing.

In any case as I noted these are like for like as the change was made before last Thursday so this specific data v last week which I was giving was based on the same rules.

I certainly dont want to fall out with you and I really do feel for all you have been through. But dont blame the messenger is all I am asking when we all know posting in this thread the ins and outs of the data and I spent several posts yesterday talking about the difference the changes to death numbers caused. So I obviously understand your arguments.

By all means be annoyed at the change. But you know I can only report what is out there to report.
did i say you were making anything up or guessing,it was a simple like for like under the new system rather than comparing with the higher numbers system,if seven days have passed since the system changed then that was all you had to tell me rather than throwing a hissy fit
In other words in my England hospital reports up to today the previous week number for deaths comoared to the new one would always be the highest number (as in the one before they changed anything) because I do not use the retroed numbers from the web site as they only archive the all settings data. Not the England only hospital data which I have privately archived from the data they published day to day using the system they were using on that day.

It will be interesting to see if there is a signigfcant change to the NHS hospital death data as it is certainly not obvious over the past 7 days that it made such a difference as more than one day was higher than the previous week even though you would have expected the numbers for this weel to be lower than last week just because of the changeover.
for those who think Sweden has done well.

"Sweden records highest death tally in 150 years in first six months of 2020"
for those who think Sweden has done well.

"Sweden records highest death tally in 150 years in first six months of 2020"

As opposed to half of Europe that have the highest 6 month death tally ever. As the Swedish epidemiologist said this is a marathon and not a sprint, let's see where we all are in 12 months and see who which countries have handled this best.
it is a matter of the change in how they count them and when it started so butt out

You've said that at least 5 times, funnily enough every time there is some good news to try and shoot it down. I've not seen you post 1 positive news article on this thread yet as soon as there is a negative one you're here in a flash. Laughing at butt out though!
did i say you were making anything up or guessing,it was a simple like for like under the new system rather than comparing with the higher numbers system,if seven days have passed since the system changed then that was all you had to tell me rather than throwing a hissy fit

You have a very different idea to what a hissy fit is than I do Kaz.

But I dont want to fall out with you over this. Its not worth it. And I really do know why this matters so much to you. And I certainly dont blame you that it does.

I have done everything I can to make the data like for like. How anyone then interprets it is up to them.

As I say I did discuss the changes to the all settings data on here last night and how it created a day when the UK had ZERO deaths that nobody had noticed as it was not zero under the old system. So its not something I am just ignoring.

It also just happened to be the very day the government went into full panic mode and shut down Greater Manchester with 2 hours notice. Which had they announced that off the back of zero deaths not over 30 as they didwould have been called out
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